Energy Suppliers

That's not what they do, they are paid to promote and they are well and truly in the pocket of the big companies. If I recall correctly, is actually owned by one of the big insurance companies and the "best deals" are generally made up from companies that are linked to the parent company financially in some beneficial way.

There are some benefits to be had, but there's some scam-like activity going on behind the scenes in a lot of cases.

You’ve quoted a partial paragraph and taking it out of context for your reply.

I’m not really sure you can blame comparison sites for this. All they do is show you who has the cheapest price. MSE is probably the best because other like uswitch only show the deals they are getting paid for by default. MSE will show you everything and normally disclose where they are being paid.

It’s ultimately the fault of the supplier if they go bust.

Every price comparison site will show you the price from pretty much the whole market if you ask if to. They are allowed to promote the deals they are paid for, that’s by design. I’m sorry you find clicking the ‘show me the whole market’ button challenging.

I even addressed MSE who the previous posted commented about. MSE is the most open about what they are paid for over any I’ve used and they don’t default to showing you only those they are paid for. It’s odd they are being called out as being dodgy.

I’ve not used the citizens advice one so I can’t comment on that.
I've had trouble getting on Bulb website and app for last 3-4 hours that doesn't bode well :(

same, I downloaded my latest bill earlier today though, so it’s either everyone trying to logon at the same time crashing the login server, or as you say, something more serious.

and just as I reply, it loads, but slowly. The payments and statements doesn’t load but the meter readings do, but I’m guessing massive load from everyone logging on?
Yeah I can't see anything in my account at all, just lines. But a notice has popped up on the top of the page saying...

"Your balance is safe. We're currently experiencing high volume of customers on the portal. Please check back later."
I see flipper has also ceased as well which is a right bum. They flipped me to green a few months ago but of course they forward all emails from them to my email . Now I have been on hold to green for an hour to change my email to my own(they dont allow you to change it on the website!), at some point flipper will stop forwarding emails over to me. nightmare
Well just noticed have taken £91 out and they have been my supplier for all of 1 day..... This is going to be a uphill battle all the way.

The entire system was never fit for purpose...
Managed to log into Avro and grabbed a screen of my credit, but couldn't get my latest statement though.

Yeah I can't see anything in my account at all, just lines. But a notice has popped up on the top of the page saying...

"Your balance is safe. We're currently experiencing high volume of customers on the portal. Please check back later."

Mine now doesnt show anything in current balance or statements or payments, where earlier it was grey lines.

Also having had a quick look around my monthly will go up by atleast 50 quid for the nearest (non big 6 provider).
Share prices are probably a good indication, of prognosis like Octopus AIM vct .
good podcast this pm on BBC What lies behind the UK's energy problems, and how can we can stop it happening
discussing how versus eu countries we have 2% annual usage gas store versus their 20-30%, + reliant on EU for russian gas/pricing, + missed opportunity on severn estuary generation ....

Is the UK's evolving wind/nuclear/... generation percentsages availible online ? afaik you can only see what is happening today
Mine now doesnt show anything in current balance or statements or payments, where earlier it was grey lines.

Also having had a quick look around my monthly will go up by atleast 50 quid for the nearest (non big 6 provider).

Same here, at least 50quid a month more, luckily my 1.5% pay rise will cover naff all of that. ;)
Might have to drink less beer although that is a last resort.
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