Energy Suppliers

yeah they took first payment on 3rd Feb, starting date for them with me is today, i don't mind.
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Well I have switched to GB Energy, it has completed today.

I have worked out my final bill with Npower and compared to what the cost would have been with my new supplier and it is quite a big saving.

So on a 30 day basis its £165.27 npower vs £107.43 with GB energy


GB Energy quoted me nearly double your standing charge on Electricity :eek:
I had a look round before renewing with Scottish Power on their e7 fixed price Jan 2018 Online, I can change tariffs within Scottish power or move suppliers for free.
Different regions have different charges. Same with all suppliers.

I understand that but how do they justify double the price?

I live near a ruddey power station :p

Thanks Ace - I was not disbelieving you just shocked that you had such a better deal.

Best I can get at the moment is the MSE Energy club switch to British Gas
I understand that but how do they justify double the price?

I live near a ruddey power station :p

Thanks Ace - I was not disbelieving you just shocked that you had such a better deal.

Best I can get at the moment is the MSE Energy club switch to British Gas

Goes back to the old regional supplier days when you had no choice AFAIK.

I live near a small coal fired power station too but that has nothing to do with how much you pay, they just supply the grid. Thats like local folk thinking when there is a local power cut they think it's to do with the local power station. :rolleyes:
Wow thanks to this thread for spurring me on to look at energy suppliers.
Currently with nPower Price Protection Dec 17

Current tariff:

Elecricity 16.8p per unit
Gas 4.5465p per unit / 14.385p standing charge

My energy consumption is:

Gas 13200 kwh
Elec 3800 kwh

Thanks to Ace Modder :) as I've never heard of GB, I ran my figures through their website and was blown away with a saving of £465.87


Only issue is I have solar panels so will give them a call tomorrow to make sure it's not a problem switching.
I'm with OVO too.
Not liking what I'm hearing about their stance on the Smart Meters when you leave.
The meter should be able to be transferred from one supplier to another just like conventional meters are.
Assuming that both suppliers support smart metering of course.
GB Energy have been by far the cheapest for me. I switched back in September and am paying £69 a month for gas and elec combined although I am now £179 in credit which I will get back in the summer. Billing is monthly based on the meter readings you submit and I have had two price cut's in the short time I have been with them. I have had a couple of times where the website wouldn't accept my gas reading but a call to their freephone helpline is quickly answered and the problems sorted.

I pay:-

Elec 9.550p per kwh, 22.35p per day standing charge
Gas 2.8000p per day, 7.00p per day standing charge

Seeing as I have had yet another price reduction from GB Energy (4th since I joined them back in September :)) I thought I would update my prices.

Elec 9.550p per kwh, 19.75p per day standing charge
Gas 2.6500p per day, 6.00p per day standing charge

I am really pleased with this company and have had no problems to speak of. The only problem I have had was when submitting my monthly meter read and the website wouldn't accept my gas reading as I had used less than it thought I should have. A quick free call to the UK support number was answered very quickly and everything was sorted.
First Utility have updated their policy, if you want to change to another tariff there is a £60 charge (£30/fuel), unless you are moving to their most expensive tariff (an extra £110/year locked in for 3 years). But it's also £60 to leave them early, so i think we'll be looking around.
I hate that and made the mistake of locking myself into a contract before I moved to GB Energy. I was with Green Star Energy (part of Hudson Energy) and was in a fixed tariff 24 month contract with a £60 (£30 gas/£30 elec) escape clause and when the prices started dropping last year was left paying way over the odds. They wouldn't let me out of contract so they took £60 from my credit when I left. It evened out after 3 months with GB Energy as I was paying £20 a month less with them but it took me 15 weeks to get the credit I had built up with Greenstar back and they made me jump through hoops to get it then. Avoid them at all costs as they are a terrible company to deal with. Having learnt a valuable lesson, I will never tie myself into a contract again.
Just to defend E.on a bit thay aren't completely bad. :)

Luckly they do let you change to a better tariff (and let you know when a better tarrif is avaliable) without Exit fee which are only due for leaving them.

I mangaged to get the V19 deal. (this expired last week :/ )

kWh 0.02790
Standing Charge 0.21903

kWh 0.10658
Standing Charge 0.16422

Based on Ace Modder's 52 day cost, it's slightly more expensive, but not a massive amount.
£192.39 to £186.22

And of course the standing charge rates may well be different anyway.

Plus there is a £30 discounts over the year, I don't know if GB energy have any additional discounts?
I have just switched to British Gas through Martin Lewis' Energy saving club. GB Energy would not quote me when I went on a second time.

Unit rate - 2.772p per kWh
Standing charge - 18.900p per day

Unit rate - 9.460p per kWh
Standing charge - 18.900p per day

I just have to hope I never have to deal with their customer support from the reviews.
At the moment I am with British Gas, Fix & Fall Jan 2017

Unit rate = 4.080p per kWh
Standing charge = 26.010p per day

Unit rate = 12.200p per kWh
Standing charge = 26.000p per day

From the looks of things, it's expensive... To say the least, compared to GB Energy who have quoted a lot less.

The only thing I am worried about, I have smart electric & gas meters, as well as one of those plug in things that tells you your real-time usage, will this all stop working if I change suppliers?
At the moment I am with British Gas, Fix & Fall Jan 2017

Unit rate = 4.080p per kWh
Standing charge = 26.010p per day

Unit rate = 12.200p per kWh
Standing charge = 26.000p per day

From the looks of things, it's expensive... To say the least, compared to GB Energy who have quoted a lot less.

The only thing I am worried about, I have smart electric & gas meters, as well as one of those plug in things that tells you your real-time usage, will this all stop working if I change suppliers?

GB Energy don't have smart meters yet.

If your part of Martin Lewis' energy club you can change to the same package I have posted and keep your British Gas smart meter features.
At the moment I am with British Gas, Fix & Fall Jan 2017

Unit rate = 4.080p per kWh
Standing charge = 26.010p per day

Unit rate = 12.200p per kWh
Standing charge = 26.000p per day

From the looks of things, it's expensive... To say the least, compared to GB Energy who have quoted a lot less.

The only thing I am worried about, I have smart electric & gas meters, as well as one of those plug in things that tells you your real-time usage, will this all stop working if I change suppliers?

GB energy don't offer smart meters yet, so I guess it maybe a problem for them atm.
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