Energy Suppliers

Jeez, didn't realise it was that long ago that I sold some stuff to you (or did I buy it?) at the bus station in Chippers.

BG coming up the best for me at the moment on all the comparison sites and they have a year of boiler/plumbing cover with it as well. Got about 6 weeks before my current tariff ends though.
And I still have that mouse!:D
I was with EON for around 10 years, but their tariff prices were getting ridiculous and so switched to Bulb energy last year - no issues so far, just cheaper Elec/Gas!

They currently have a referral bonus of £50 for referrer and £50 for person signing up.
So what's the deal with smart meters these days?

House I've just bought has a Secure Liberty 100 installed and all working (the display doodad connects and shows usage, for the gas as well).

I'd quite like to keep the functionality, but are we still stuck in this daft situation where you can't switch suppliers and just switch the meter over?
I've recently found out my dad signed up to Octopus Energy, seems quite expensive though. I guess it varies post code to post code, but I'm only a couple of miles up the road and find Avro to be way cheaper.

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Got a £160 refund from Bulb on account closure after moving to Pure Planet. Still disappointed they wanted to put my DD up £25 a month when I was in credit that much.
Got a £160 refund from Bulb on account closure after moving to Pure Planet. Still disappointed they wanted to put my DD up £25 a month when I was in credit that much.
Whoever you change to ask for variable payments, a lot will do it for you that way your balance stays at £0.
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