England flag 'can provoke racism'

I think waving an England flag in Wales (and Scotland of course) isn't a great idea. Most of us don't care but there's an element who wouldn't take kindly to it, and it's this type of idiot that tends to be predisposed to violence. A bit of discretion should be exercised.
Tru said:
I think waving an England flag in Wales (and Scotland of course) isn't a great idea. Most of us don't care but there's an element who wouldn't take kindly to it, and it's this type of idiot that tends to be predisposed to violence. A bit of discretion should be exercised.

Hes got a Scottish flag on there... I feel so angry seeing that flag WTFGRRR!!!11111onehundredeleven!!11

Freefaller said:
I'll get it and ignore it :p

Lies all lies!


Seriously though, I think its all to do with the English footie violence and not racism at all. With all the footie going on in Cardiff and the revenue footie brings not to mention £5 for coming via the bridge. Its a polite way to make a point of how petty the system is.

Or maybe the copper in question is a bit of a noob?
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If a black person walked up to me and called me a white piece of trash I wouldn't care. I'd just think 'each to their own... if you don't like white people then fair enough.' *

If that person walked up to me, called me a white piece of trash and then started attacking me. I would consider that racist. It's not an opinion; it's a racially motivated action.

* If I did this to a black person the chances are they would beat me up. Because in today's society they are so ******* protected by PC freaks it's almost an acceptable excuse for their actions. Society is pathetic.
Beansprout said:
My very short and mature response to this is "Well **** those sad little people" :)
Sadly their counter argument would be a shoe in the face.
I got a WWII Nazi flag in my attic (replica, of course. Ebay...ya know :p), I wonder if I could fly that in my garden without attracting attention?
Cueball said:
I got a WWII Nazi flag in my attic (replica, of course. Ebay...ya know :p), I wonder if I could fly that in my garden without attracting attention?

Heil Cueball :p
Freefaller said:

The thing is I've been to rugby matches where england were playing, wales, france, new zealand (not all at once of course :p). And we sat in mixed seats, there were some kiwis behind us - we were giving them abuse (banter) and so were they, but then one of us got up to get some drinks and asked the kiwis if they wanted a drink. It's all fun and lots of camaraderie - they are there for the game, not for getting petty "1 up" on another nation as if it's the most pivotal of interntional politics.

It does seem people do look for any excuse to have a go at each other :(

Another reason why I love rugby so much, such a good atmosphere with the fans, in fact I can't remember of hearing of any major violence between rugby fans......ever!!!! :)
Freefaller said:
Heck in the US people of all creeds fly the US flag with pride on their houses. It's refreshing to see a united sense of belonging.

If it is done deliberately to antagonise neighbours or neighbourhoods or specific group of people then I think it is a bit OTT. However just flying the flag to show what team your supporting isn't a badf thing is it?

I think people are just using anything they can as an excuse for antagonism and xenophobia.

Only an idiot would think of it as a racist attack.

Nail on head

I didnt see anyone getting up in arms when the English are in Cardiff wearing the English club football shirts on cup final day. Oh thats right, the pubs were full and people were making lots of money out of it :rolleyes:
Loki said:
Nail on head

I didnt see anyone getting up in arms when the English are in Cardiff wearing the English club football shirts on cup final day. Oh thats right, the pubs were full and people were making lots of money out of it :rolleyes:

That's completely different. Clubs don't represent the country and the clubs that tend to make it to cup finals traditionally have fans from all over the country and indeed the world.
Siliconslave said:
well he is the deputy chief constable of North Wales Police, so he must work directly under Richard Brunstrom, what a buttmonkey

Northwalians are a law unto themselves.

Tru said:
That's completely different. Clubs don't represent the country and the clubs that tend to make it to cup finals traditionally have fans from all over the country and indeed the world.

Pubs are normally fine in Cardiff on match days, sadly it is after the problems occur and they do occur. Anyone from Cardiff can vouch for St Mary Street on a match day.

Hence most of my friends from Cardiff avoid match days for going to the centre.
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Tru said:
That's completely different. Clubs don't represent the country and the clubs that tend to make it to cup finals traditionally have fans from all over the country and indeed the world.

I dont agree. West Ham & Liverpool have some of the most vocal england supporters in the country and this years cup final being so close to the world cup you could see lots of fans on both sides in England shirts
merlin said:
England flag provoking racism? What an absolute joke.

I don't think it actually provokes racism, although flag-covered cars tend to be driven by a certain type of person with, shall we say, certain views.

This leads to everyone who wishes to support their country in such a way being stereotyped, which isn't a good thing. It's a real shame that thuggish ****** and football hooligans use our national flag as a symbol of their muppetry :(

Also, whats the deal with England flags that have ENGLAND written on them? Surely there is just no need - we all know what country our flag represents..
[TW]Fox said:
thuggish ****** and football hooligans use our national flag

whats the deal with England flags that have ENGLAND written on them? Surely there is just no need - we all know what country our flag represents..

You answered that earlier with,

[TW]Fox said:
thuggish ****** and football hooligans

Its the Seasame Street of flag branding ;)
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