I like the gunplay in the game and that it's not as ruthless as Post Scriptum/Hell Let Loose.
What's starting to put me off is the whole "combined arms" balance.
The tanks I've gone up against don't feel OP, pain in the bum at range, but 1 person can do a lot of damage and sometimes kill a tank with an explosive bundle.
Thankfully they don't have 3rd person view and super hearing like their Battlefield counterparts. So can be quite vulnerable when they're on their own.
Planes though, I wish they just left them out of the game or just made them abilities like artillery.
I can only speak about the US/German planes, but those planes just annihilate infantry and planes.
The rockets will quite easily destroy tanks and the explosive range on them means you don't even need to be accurate. Against infantry, your talking some good multi-kills, all you need is few voice clips from Unreal Tournament telling you how great you are.
Sadly just like Battlefield, the only way to kill a pilot, seems to be a better pilot.
Engineers can make AA emplacements, but they take a bit of work to unlock and to be honest, I've had mixed results on using them.
I'm not a good pilot, but I got 43-0 on 1 map. The fact that you can spawn a plane right at the start of the game a strafe the enemy spawn points doesn't help.
Something that also annoys me is artillery.
Since more people are unlocking them, the sheer amount of spam puts Battlefield 2's grenade spam to shame. When leveled up, a Radio Operator can call in artillery every 30 seconds.
On conquest it's not so bad, but on Attack/Defend maps, where everyone's fighting for a single point, the amount of artillery spam on the point is mind boggling.
The other night I was defending a control point, that was thankfully inside a house so I was safe from artillery, but it didn't stop the yanks from incessantly dropping artillery on my head, it was near continuous. The constant screen shaking was becoming very annoying.
I know it's beta and things can change, I just hope they change for the better.