Enterprise AV Comparision

just 2020 for now.

Might upgrade the controllers next year and turn them into 2040's We are only serving to @ 180 users. so thought 2020, dual controllers, dual power would be fine.
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Messagelabs scans your emails yes, but an aweful lot of viruses you wont get via email. They will come from people taking laptops home and getting them right from the net, dodgy porn sites, cross infection from personal machines/media, people downloading 'screensavers' and people clicking 'Yes' on the 'do you trust this application' message when they really shouldnt (to name a few of the most common). None of these vectors would have been already checked by a symantec engine. And as others have commented messagelabs do scan through more than one engine.

While i can see you have a dislike of symantec, ditching licenses you have and spending anew on an entirely different product seems wasteful.

Better than that, spend it on something that will save the company money in the long term and or makes your job easier, if you make it so that others can do your work then you push it down to the next in the chain and move up. An irreplacable employee cant be promoted

Meh what do i know anyway, go buy new AV if it annoys you :D
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