Episode 1, how rude

7 Aug 2004
Apparently its around 5 hours of game play, rubbish ! I just did it in a total time of around 2 hours tops, feeling ripped off now, $23/£~12 for that is cr*p, episode 2 best be litterally 5 hours of game play or ill cry :mad: :p :eek:
Don't see how you got through it in just two hours, did you not sit back and admire things? Or just rush as fast as you could through it?

Though it's short, I thought it was a great overall game, with the best bits of HL2 rolled up into the game. Similar length to BlueShift, which was more expensive, but worth the cash in my opinon.

Didn't really need a new thread.
Don't be such a geek.

HL2 is a game of beauty. Interact with the world, don't just sit there running through and blasting everything away as quick as possible. I hate people who do this and then complain about how crap the game was.

Why was Raven Shield so good? Graphics were crap, yet the gameplay forced you to take it easy and thus the experience was MUCH more rewarding.
nah didnt rush through it, took time, saw everything, swear it was around 2 hours, poss more, but didnt feel like much, great game, if they could bring them out quicker than every 6 months I wouldnt mind so much

What game can I play now ? im stuck, PGR3 i guess on the ol xbox,lol, hummm
I can't believe you can have taken your time and saw everything and done it in only 2 hours. Perhaps you're just cleverer than me, but some areas took me quite a while to pass, and I was quite pleased with the game overall (and I got it from a shop, even more expensive than a Steam d/l).

Try replaying it with the commentary mode on, see you how much they talk about in that that you've missed while playing the game. It took me much longer than 2 hours, and I still managed to miss some of the subtleties. ;)
This is one of the main reason i've not rushed out and bought HL2: Ep 1 due to it only being a short game.

I was also worried it would end up be like 10+ Episodes so waited until i knew more and am i correct in saying there will be 3 Episodes ?

So 3 x 4-6 hours = 12 - 18
& 3 x £12.99-£19.99 = £38.97 - £59.97

I think i'll hold out until the game becomes £5-£10 even though i love Half life 2 and really want to play the game , i just dont have the money to go wasting as such so will wait until i can grab a cheap bargain ;)
Can't use my card on Steam for whatever reason. Shops seem a bit expensive still so I'll be waiting for it to come down in price a bit more.
sargatanas said:
It took me about 3.5 - 4 hours to finish it. Was a very good game, but i dont see how it took them a year and a half to bring out.

I think they originally planned to have the episode 2 content in episode 1 as well, so they will have spent time working on that originally before they decided to split it into episodes 1 and 2.

I may be talking rubbish but I can see how that will add on development time. Then of course they tested it... at least they released a polished game with very few bugs :).
Mine stutters worse than HL2. I honestly can't believe they still haven't fixed the stuttering issue. What a waste of money :mad:
try nocking the texture quality down a notch or two.... that usually solves stuttering.

I got none in Episode 1 where as i used to get it all the time in HL2 so i believe they probably have done some stuff to sort it out.
The game felt short to me but thats because i loved it so much... definately took 4-5 hours on hard mode.
Well worth the £13.
Same with SiN, though that took longer whilst not being as good a game.
Once you buy Episode 1 and install it are you not able to sell it as second hand ? as i heard it gets registered to your steam account, is this ture ?
WHAT!!! said:
Once you buy Episode 1 and install it are you not able to sell it as second hand ? as i heard it gets registered to your steam account, is this ture ?

Yep, same for all Steam games.

Unless you buy it to a second Steam account, it's difficult to sell it on without having to go through a lengthy CD-Key change process with valve.
NathanE said:
Mine stutters worse than HL2. I honestly can't believe they still haven't fixed the stuttering issue. What a waste of money :mad:

Its a really odd occurance, iv got a top notch pc, if i boot it from cold and play HL2 and/or ep1, it stutters really bad after 10mins of smooth gameplay, then when i reboot (switch off at wall and switch back on again) its plays forever and a day no problems, really odd, as i cold boot twice,specs are:

2GB Ram
1900XTX 512mb
DFI expert NF4
raptor drives
X-FI music
XP MCE2005
All latest drivers + software

See I told ya it was odd !
this is FPS not an RPG

what do you guys mean by stopping to see everything? there's not a lot to stop and admire

i didn't rush through the game but it also felt like 2-3 hours tops :mad:
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