Episode 1, how rude

Episode One retail DVD version costs $16.50 including delivery from most US online shops. I don't see why we should pay $19.99 + tax for electronic, unsellable, media-less version over Steam. The idea was - download was supposed to be cheaper...
v0n said:
Episode One retail DVD version costs $16.50 including delivery from most US online shops. I don't see why we should pay $19.99 + tax for electronic, unsellable, media-less version over Steam. The idea was - download was supposed to be cheaper...

But everything is cheaper in the states...
v0n said:
Episode One retail DVD version costs $16.50 including delivery from most US online shops. I don't see why we should pay $19.99 + tax for electronic, unsellable, media-less version over Steam. The idea was - download was supposed to be cheaper...

It's still as unsellable as buying over Steam. Do all these free delivery sites deliver free to the UK? I've only looked at amazon.com and by the end of the order, the price was $40 with all the shipping to UK. I've not looked at other sites, don't really know many.
Combat squirrel said:
Its a really odd occurance, iv got a top notch pc, if i boot it from cold and play HL2 and/or ep1, it stutters really bad after 10mins of smooth gameplay, then when i reboot (switch off at wall and switch back on again) its plays forever and a day no problems, really odd, as i cold boot twice,specs are:

2GB Ram
1900XTX 512mb
DFI expert NF4
raptor drives
X-FI music
XP MCE2005
All latest drivers + software

See I told ya it was odd !

thats your pc spec? not what your site says. or dont you update it.
Sem said:
i didn't rush through the game but it also felt like 2-3 hours tops :mad:

see this is the thing... "it also felt like..". Maybe it really was 2-3 hours but since you didn't time it then you can't say that it was. Maybe it felt so short because it was soooooo good and involving. That was the case for me. It didn't feel that long but when i saw how long i had spent playing it, it was far longer than it felt.
I really would be suprised if anyone finished it in 2 hours on Hard. I'm sure its possible but you would have to rush through the game like crazy. A bit like that person that managed to finish HL in something like 2hours. That was quick!
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