Essential Android Apps

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I need a calendar like the stock touchwiz or sense that displays Google appointment on the main monthly view widget. Can't find one so far
Thanks I'll pick up X Plane 9 if it's for free. :)

The restoring backup method is the only way to get it working on a tablet, but then it will stop working on your phone as you can only be connected from one device.

I see, thanks, I guess I'll just leave it on my phone in that case.

It's a shame they couldn't use a system like iMessage where a message will come thru to more than one device but even then iMessage isn't without it's flaws.
Nexus18, I know you're always whining about Nova, but have you checked out the Labs settings? Might find some settings that help your layout woes :p

Go into Nova settings, and hold vol down.
Tried that and I did manage to get the widgets looking the proper way with a 5x4 grid and no margins. However, once I goto landscape view the layout gets messed up, mainly only snowstorm though, no grid size/margin fixes that.

Plus I miss infinite scroll in the app drawer :p
I do like folders, but not keen on the ui when an app drawer folder is opened for nova, too basic and not as nice as go launcher's ui for that area :p

Yes I know, I am a fussy XXX :o :p

Besides I actually quite like just having all the apps listed in the drawer now, love the card stack animation :D
One thing I'm really liking about Firefox is the reading mode feature, makes chunking down large text into readable pages.

Here's a before and after:

I also like that when you're in a post reply box on a forum you can tap and drag the view around and the keyboard or edit box won't lose focus whereas they do on all other browsers I've tried.
Does anyone have a good workout logger? Just need something simple that can track weight used and reps done.
With quick ICS browser, it also behaves the same with regards to the keyboard and reply box, don't know about other browsers though :p

I used to use Quick ICS on ICS and it didn't behave the same way! The edit box text cursor would often flip out if you touched anywhere else.
I used to use Quick ICS on ICS and it didn't behave the same way! The edit box text cursor would often flip out if you touched anywhere else.

Yeah I encounter that problem but only when I try to move the cursor to the start of a line, same on all browsers apart from stock :confused: that is why cursor arrow keys are a must for me now :p
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