Essential iPhone Apps

That ISX rip off has gone from the store now.

Sky+ app for iPhone has been updated to now allow you to control your box from the phone. Like the iPad version.
Awesome didn't know about Jet Set Radio heading to iOS :D

Also, if you hadn't heard, next year we can expect Rollercoaster Tycoon to hit iOS :D

Is the Walking Dead game any good for someone who has never seen the Walking Dead?
It's good for everyone! It starts just as the outbreak hits and it's a different if parallel story to the TV show/Comic so it's easy to follow :)
I dont have VM, I'll take your word for it. :)

In other news, Whatsapp has finally got an update for iPhone 5 and iOS6!!! :eek:
Having been stuck on iOS 3 for a few years, I'm now using iOS 6 and the whole app store is now available to me. So I'm wondering, what is the difference between HD and non-HD games for the iPhone?


Am I right in saying for £1.49 you get a version which runs native screen res on iPhone but only at low res on iPad and for £2.49 you get a version which runs at native screen res on both iPhone and iPad?

EDIT: After further research it appears this is not always the case. Some HD versions only work on iPad and not iPhone.
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If I purchased an album under my iTunes account, wiped my phone and then went and downloaded that same album under the same account I won't be charged twice will I?

Thanks Mart
If I purchased an album under my iTunes account, wiped my phone and then went and downloaded that same album under the same account I won't be charged twice will I?

You should go to the Purchased menu and you will be able to download it for nothing from iCloud.
If I've backed up to iCloud?

Are you referring to iTunes

Any music you have bought from the iTunes Music Store is available to download free-of-charge from any Apple devices you own (and iTunes on Windows, of course). Just sign in with your Apple ID and go to the Music store and find Purchased. :)
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