Well after humming and harring over the HD2 i somehow managed to buy myself an iphone. Exactly the right deal for me (300m, unlimited txts and net, £30pm (with a handset charge of £140 for the 16gb 3Gs))
So i was wondering what's out there? Problem is the top 25 is useless, top 25 what? by who? All of them are meh user marks and finding gold is proving a tiresome task.
What i've liked so far.
The Settlers - was a huge fan of the original, this comes across very neat so bought it for £3. 7.5/10
Beneath a Steel Sky - always picked up and never finished, always found it too hard or lost interest, but thought i'd give it another go. £1.79 (iirc) 7/10
Dungeon Hunter - love these types of games, well made good graphics looks amazing so far. £3. 8.5/10
Duke 3d Awkward controls, apart from that one crucial point a good port - 59p. 5/10
Dracula - good point n click adventure. - 59p 6/10
Let's golf - looks alright, but i've played another golf game on the iphone and it was much better, not sure which it is though. - demo - 5.5
Gangstar - a GTA clone, though plays very well - demo - 7/10
Critter Crunch - Nice novel idea, but lacks real depth for me. - demo - 5.5/10
Glow Hockey - nice air hockey game, basic though. demo - 5/10
Underworlds - looked great on the apps store, turned out very bland - demo - 4.5/10
Speedtest - just like the net one, great for checking connection - free - 8.5/10
MEt Office - Detailed weather report - free - 8.5/10
Football score Sky Sports - Football score centre - free 8/10
Around me - find out whats about ie cash points - free 8.5/10
Pocket Gamers - app game review site, very useful - free - 9/10
Tv Guide & TVcatchup iphone - combined together are spot on, gives your iphone a whats on guide to all the freeview channels while getting to watch whats on now. - free (catchup is a web service) - 9.5/10
Price Check - barcode scanner, works popular products though keeps going to amazon - free - 7.5/10
MyFitnessPal - enter what you've been eating, exercise while it calulates weight loss or gain. Amazing app. - free - 9/10
I've got others, but those are the main ones which are worth talking about, what have you found that you think i might like?