Essential iPhone Apps

I have now seen the slowdown issue, but its only when you have a full screen of zombies/plants - and even then its not that bad...

very very addictive :D

I like making the pole-vaulting zombies jump over a walnut into the mouth of one of them venus fly trap things :D
I have now seen the slowdown issue, but its only when you have a full screen of zombies/plants - and even then its not that bad...

Yes, I got that but I put it down to 1st gen iPod touch. Maybe no slow-down on the newer/faster devices.
Will echo what i was saying in a thread i made a couple of days ago without realising there was a sub section for apple...doh!

Well after humming and harring over the HD2 i somehow managed to buy myself an iphone. Exactly the right deal for me (300m, unlimited txts and net, £30pm (with a handset charge of £140 for the 16gb 3Gs))

So i was wondering what's out there? Problem is the top 25 is useless, top 25 what? by who? All of them are meh user marks and finding gold is proving a tiresome task.

What i've liked so far.


The Settlers - was a huge fan of the original, this comes across very neat so bought it for £3. 7.5/10

Beneath a Steel Sky - always picked up and never finished, always found it too hard or lost interest, but thought i'd give it another go. £1.79 (iirc) 7/10

Dungeon Hunter - love these types of games, well made good graphics looks amazing so far. £3. 8.5/10

Duke 3d Awkward controls, apart from that one crucial point a good port - 59p. 5/10

Dracula - good point n click adventure. - 59p 6/10

Let's golf - looks alright, but i've played another golf game on the iphone and it was much better, not sure which it is though. - demo - 5.5

Gangstar - a GTA clone, though plays very well - demo - 7/10

Critter Crunch - Nice novel idea, but lacks real depth for me. - demo - 5.5/10

Glow Hockey - nice air hockey game, basic though. demo - 5/10

Underworlds - looked great on the apps store, turned out very bland - demo - 4.5/10


Speedtest - just like the net one, great for checking connection - free - 8.5/10

MEt Office - Detailed weather report - free - 8.5/10

Football score Sky Sports - Football score centre - free 8/10

Around me - find out whats about ie cash points - free 8.5/10

Pocket Gamers - app game review site, very useful - free - 9/10

Tv Guide & TVcatchup iphone - combined together are spot on, gives your iphone a whats on guide to all the freeview channels while getting to watch whats on now. - free (catchup is a web service) - 9.5/10

Price Check - barcode scanner, works popular products though keeps going to amazon - free - 7.5/10

MyFitnessPal - enter what you've been eating, exercise while it calulates weight loss or gain. Amazing app. - free - 9/10

I've got others, but those are the main ones which are worth talking about, what have you found that you think i might like?
I rarely post in the Apple forum /spit on floor :p

But you need this game, it's similar to a tower defence game, even my mum loves this game
Ah man you were right. I got as far as getting a note from the zombai's saying that they were preparing an assault on my house - then the iPhone 20% battery warning appeared so I had to quit. Damn pathetic batt life :/
I'm really enjoying the touch gaming on my iPod. I hate to say it but I can feel an iPad purchase coming on, especially when they start making native games to use the 1024x768 real estate. Plants vs Zombies would be amazing on it.
Any groundbreaking apps been released in the past few months? Been out of the scene for a while but just got my 3GS back today. Been using an old Nokia the past few months that doesn't even have a camera, is a relief to be back!
How do I get the almanac thing up in Plants Vs Zombies so I can remind myself on what does what?

/edit - Found it after I completed my next level ;)
Where does it say £1.79 is the introductory price for Plants vs Zombies? That looks like standard pricing to me.
BBC has announced it will offer iPhone BBC News & Sport Apps from April with a possible native iPlayer app out by the end of the year.

Good news in my view! These will be a must have for me when there out. I use iPlayer through the web on my iPhone already but a full native iPhone app would be fantastic.
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