Essential iPhone Apps

I think they've got the right idea with the F1 but haven't implemented it too well. The base app itself should be free with the ability to add races via an in-app purchase. I don't know whether I'd want to use it all season but it would be good to have the option to buy in to get the timings when I want to.

I appreciate that it's just over £1/race but I can't justify paying that for all races in advance.
What do you guys use for direct image uploads? Was looking at photobucket, but don't really like it. Shame there isn't skitch, that's handy.

I use Airme. Primarily to Photobucket but can send to Facebook, Flickr, Picasa and a couple of others.
I think they've got the right idea with the F1 but haven't implemented it too well. The base app itself should be free with the ability to add races via an in-app purchase. I don't know whether I'd want to use it all season but it would be good to have the option to buy in to get the timings when I want to.

I appreciate that it's just over £1/race but I can't justify paying that for all races in advance.
Last season was pay per race with the application free, I guess they didn't get enough people buying individual races to make it pay.
After purchasing an iPhone this morning I'm enjoying the Last.FM app, it seems to be really good. :)

A little OT but this is the best mobile browsing experience I've had.
Just noticed this thread today. I picked up my iPhone yesterday, and so far have installed only a few apps.

Google Earth
Moron Test
Tube Deluxe
Lets Golf

I am currently on page 32, and enjoying reading everyones reviews and choices. :D
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