Essential PS2 Games

Whappers said:
No, you're right, you got me red handed :p

But your comment made me read through the whole thread and I now see how stupid I was to suggest Shadow of the Collossus or any game like that. :p

Whappers ;)
Hehe no worries, made me smile :p

Thanks for the link Kranix, it's definitely on my to buy list once I know how money's going :)

I'm still resisting the lure of the PS2, it's helped by the fact the memory card's not arrived yet.
I like both kinds of RPG so I'll definitely have a look at those :)
Not been able to play on it yet as the memory card's not arrived. Admittedly I was planning on resisting till I finished all my Uni work but at this rate I'll have finished it all and the memory card still won't be here :o

Bought MGS2 in the end, I wasn't going to because I wasn't keen on it last time round but it was 10p on ebay and I figured that was worth a second shot.

Have to see how payday goes on Friday to see about ordering Star Ocean or Dragon Quest. :)
Dragon Quest bought......I wasn't impulsive honest :o

Now to wait for this bloody memory card :D
Just ordered one from ebay, it was half the price of anywhere else I saw it :D Pity it's taking a while but then again it's ensuring I finish all my Uni work so sort of good.
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