I have a 9800 SE @ Pro backed by an E4300 @ 2.7GHz, playing at 1440x900, albeit with no eyecandy, and it is smooth as (jaggy, low poly) silk. You chaps with cards from the 21st century should be faring better.
As for complaining about no teamwork on a beta, on random public servers, I think you are having a giraffe.
Personally I loved Wolfenstein:Enemy Territory, Battlefield 2, but my first online love was the original Unreal Tournament Assault. This seems like a happy mix of the three, bringing the hectic sacrifice for objectives of W:ET and UT Assault back, the supreme vehicles and map size of BF2, and the XP Campaign style of W:ET.
Compared to Beta 1, the feel of the vehicles is massively improved, which was my only real concern (apart from balance tweaking). As BF2 had done vehicles so seamlessly. I think ETQW pulls ahead in a few respects now. Even ground pounders can damage vehicles. The vehicles don't get damaged just by driving! BF2 has laughable damage just for driving in the tank over a little stone! ETQW even has a better game browser in BETA than BF2 ever managed.