Euro Truck Simulator 2 worthy of purchase

Secondly, are road block new? I don't think I remember them from before. I had a journey which was a disaster, first stopped on a hill and didn't have enough power to get up the hill, so had to call a tow, pulled out and had huge RTC which put my truck on its roof, resulting in another tow. As I was nearing the destination, the police was blocking the motorway to Swansea (destination), so had to drop down to Cardiff and try go around, but the other end was also blocked. In the end I had to track back and travel an extra 200 miles just to complete the job! I know it can be disabled but honestly I like the idea of having to reroute due to unforeseen issues.

First thing I did was totally disable them. They would probably be OK when you are doing World of Trucks contracts as you have bags of time but when I was just doing the in-game jobs, sometimes the detours would cause you to be late and lose money. Not having that. :p
@Minibiker Ignore the below for now.

What truck are you having issues with? Can you record a short video, make it unlisted and post it here? Push comes to shove I'll do a video showing the light bar and how to install lights on them.

I have a sizable amount of map mods for both ETS2 and ATS currently, Posting the load order below. I have videos with commentary explaining them but this is around December, so the load order has changed again! :D

Anyways... Top to bottom in the Mod Manager, if you cannot find a mod, ask and I shall provide. Most can be found on the SCS Forums or in various Discords.

This will ONLY be Map Mods.

All Map DLC's are needed.

These are running on the current latest game versions as of this post.

American Truck Simulator

Alaska Library
Alaska Ice Road Map
Australian Outback Map
Reforma and C2C Compatibility Patch V2
Midwest Expansion (beta)
SCS Map Improvements Bellingham Heights FIX for Promods Canada
SCS Map Improvements Base
SCS Map Improvements - Unhiding some hidden roads
SCS Map Improvements Bellingham Heights
Promods Canada Canadream Connection
Promods Canada Definition
Promods Canada Map
Promods Canada Models
Promods Canada Assets
Island Map 0.1.1
Radiatior Springs Addon Map
Caribbean Map
Canadream V2.39.2
Coast to Coast V2.11.11
Mega Resources V2.1.20
Grand Canyon Rebuild
Elko and Redding Retouched SN
Mexssimap V1.8.1
Reforma Sierra Nevada 2.2.30
PaZzMod Viva Mexico Legacy Patch V1.00
Viva Mexico Legacy V2.0.10
Reforma Mexico Extremo V2.1.18
PaZzMod V1.4.00

Euro Truck Simulator 2


ROEX 2.8 is a paid mod. But you can use ROEX 2.5 (the free version) in its place, just remove the "ROEX28-S.Region9RCv2" (the orange image mod) from the load order.
ROEX is ordered 1>2>3>4 top to bottom, so it's easy to sort in the Manager.

Swedish Islands Map Addon Wombat Edition 1.10
Paris Rebuild 2.6
Latvia rebuild map release 1.26
Rhodes 1.0
Poludniowa Polska 1.2
ROEXall-Promods251-RusMap231-PolandReb244 RC FullV4
ROEX English City Names 2.5/2.8
Roextended 1.39 addon
Project Caucasus
Turkey Map 1.1 -MiddleEast2.51 RC
Turkey Map 1.2-S.Region 9 RC
Turkey Map 1.2.1 RTP (1.38)
SR9 1.39 fix
Mediterranean Expansion v1.3
MedMap v0.1
Road to the Balears
Piter for RusMap_2.3.1
SZM Addon
RusMap Map
RusMap Model
RusMap Model 2
Project Balkans English City Names (optional)
Project Balkans Def
Project Balkans Map
Project Balkans Assets
MK Rework/PL Rebuilding Fix
Macedonia Rework Definitions (ST) - Use "ST" if you have Special Transport DLC. If you don't have it, use the non "ST" version.
Macedonia Rework Map
Macedonia Rework Materials and Assets
Poland Rebulding Special Transport - Only include this file if you have Special Transport DLC
Poland Rebuilding Def
Poland Rebuilding Map
Poland Rebuilding Models
Poland Rebuilding Assets
Project Greenland - ferry connection with PM (Promods)
Project Greenland
Red Sea Map
Israel-Lebanon Open Border
ProMods Middle-East Add On (Def and Map)
ProMods Middle-East Add On (Assets)
ProMods Def Package - Make sure you tick "RusMap" when making this file. If you use Special Transport DLC tick that box too, if not, leave it blank.
ProMods Map Package
ProMods Media Package
ProMods Models 1
ProMods Models 2
ProMods Models 3
ProMods Assets
RusMap Def
English City Names for Volga Map (optional)
VolgaMap Def
VolgaMap Map
VolgaMap Model
Southern Region Map (Def and Map)
Southern Region map Model 1
Southern Region map Model 2
Road to Aral
The Great Steppe English City Names
The Great Steppe Def
The Great Steppa Map
The Great Steppe Model
PJ Indo Map V2.7 Beta1 Map and Def
PJ Indo Map V2.7 Beta1 Assets and Models1
PJ Indo Map V2.7 Beta1 Assets and Models2

Phew.. that's me done. Time for a cuppa! :cool:

Do you loadaps before or after other mods like sound fixes and new trucks?
No, they've been there as long as I can remember.

To my knowledge the full road closed diversions have appeared in the last 12 months. Last time I played it properly was the Christmas deliveries in 2019 and they weren't there, then it appeared for this year in both ETS2 and ATS. Wasn't amused at first having to take a 4 hour detour, although sometimes you get a road sign warning so you can divert around it.

Random events like accident aftermath, cars on fire and roadworks have been around a couple of years.

The way I have done it (since 2013) is:

Sound Fixes Pack
Background Maps
Truck Engines (I only use packs)
Misc (UI, Realistic Lights etc)

I may be wrong in the placing of realistic lights since it relates to trucks, but everything else I have done the same way for years.
I don't know what I'm remembering then but I definitely recall one of my very first deliveries had a closed road and I had to work around it.
Oh, it wasn’t closed by the police, it was a blockage of some kind. Perhaps there have been different reasons for diversions.

Anyway, ancient history!
Oh, it wasn’t closed by the police, it was a blockage of some kind. Perhaps there have been different reasons for diversions.

Anyway, ancient history!

Indeed, Happy Trucking!

They did close the odd road as part of map updates to reflect real world events back in the distant past. Did it in ATS a couple of years ago to reflect a real life landslide on a coast road in California IIRC.
@Spacedeck No conflicts that I know of. This is not including the EAA (Brasil) map so it might be able to even larger. If I can I'll make an image of the entire map. Might be a bit messy.

Edit: Did my best. Indonesia is in Africa for some reason, we don't ask questions.

I'll edit this with the ATS Map soon.

Couldn't stitch the ATS map correctly so here it is in gif form.
Last edited:
Oooh, a new ETS2 community event. Quite fancy the insignia for my cab, so might do this :cool:

Virtual Truckers of the world, we are all still enduring hard times, as the world continues to battle COVID-19. The fight is not over, but we can see light at the end of the tunnel, we see hope in the creation of the COVID-19 Vaccines and their rapid worldwide roll-out. We would like to, once again, recognise the selfless drivers and support crews working so incredibly hard to achieve this goal. So, we are inviting you to take part in personally delivering these vaccines, across any and all trucking territories in the World of Trucks Hauling Hope event!

Last year, in March, we asked you all to respond in the way we thought best, which was to take part in the unprecedented #TruckAtHome event. The community effort was incredible, it was at a level of participation that we had never seen before. We celebrated with you all further, by delivering financial support and supplies directly to those on the front line, for each new milestone that the community reached.

This time, it will be your own personal journey. Our slogan is #HaulingHope, and the goal is for you to deliver this fragile and precious cargo undamaged, so you will need to be extra careful when making your delivery. The cargo will have a zero-damage tolerance and will require a Fragile Cargo skill, level 1, to be carried.

This event is a chance to take part in delivering something more than just a cargo, it's a chance to deliver hope to the world, if only virtually.

Where you go and how far you haul will be up to you. What is important is that you enjoy the event, spread the word so that others can share the hope, and stay safe and healthy.
Oh I did wonder what that was on Twitter, I thought it was a VTC event. Will have to give that a go.

Editing XBS's Autocar DC with new interior textures, got the dashboard panel done with a rusty metal texture, seats in a new brown leather and smoothed out the gauge edges in Blender.
First virtual delivery of the vaccine - Cambridge to Grimsby.





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