Euro Truck Simulator 2 worthy of purchase

No, but to be fair, I imagine the developers have to be careful where they pool their resources as this traditionally is not the type of game to get AAA type sales.

I would love a live persistent world with proximity voip for CB talk etc, localised weather, being able to run your own breakdown company - lol.

Who knows, if this sells well, we can hope.

Yea i agree but hopefully if good sales happen then you never know what will happen next i have told every one i know about it so, the more the better

Kofte said: Download - Steam Key
If Euro Truck 2 eventually makes it onto Steam, will it be possible for those that buy it directly from to get a Steam key for it?

SCS SOftware said:
If Steam makes this technically possible to issue such keys - provided that ETS2 emerges out of Greenlight victorious) - we'll be happy to allow our customers to use the platform that they are most comfortable with to play their games.
It's not a bad little game to pass a few hours. Can get quite addictive when you start buying a fleet of trucks!

I went ahead and download the full copy after having played the first ETS. If any body wants to know anything, give me a shout
I can't drive over or get to the tyne bridge... or is that just because it's the demo. Also I seem to be in gateshead, not newcastle.

Also as a result of a bit of the old road rage I am now 35,000 euros in debt and I've only completed two jobs.
Also as a result of a bit of the old road rage I am now 35,000 euros in debt and I've only completed two jobs.

I took an off ramp a bit quickly and managed to topple my van. There isn't any way to get it back on the road (someone make an AA mod!) so I had to cancel the job and lost 12k. Boo!

I thought that the game got pretty boring after the 3rd 'mission'.
I took an off ramp a bit quickly and managed to topple my van. There isn't any way to get it back on the road (someone make an AA mod!) so I had to cancel the job and lost 12k. Boo!

I thought that the game got pretty boring after the 3rd 'mission'.

there is a way of getting back on the road call the assist by using the F keys on your sat nav type device i think it is either f6 or f7 then at bottom it will say all emergency service press enter
there is a way of getting back on the road call the assist by using the F keys on your sat nav type device i think it is either f6 or f7 then at bottom it will say all emergency service press enter

I mashed my keyboard after I crashed but nothing happened, so I bailed and took out a 100k loan.

Maybe I should have mashed a bit more... :(
I cant believe how much I love this game, I read this posy last night and was bored after Chelsea lost so I thought why not, 4 jobs down, no crashes I am loving this(demo mode still) and will look at buying it now, anyway of setting up the controller better as I dont want to use the keyboard at all really?

I am off to buy a large Thermos and make some sandwiches for the full experience!
With the help of Google maps this can only get better.

If it was multi player maybe you could be the police and pull people over for speeding or in my case erratic driving.....

I can't wait to see what mods come out for this.
I haven't bothered with parking it is too difficult for my liking, just building up enough money to get a fleet of trucks and be the Boss, LIKE A BOSS!
There are Truck mods already out if you look around, most of the sites are either russian or polish though as this is where most of the modders seem to be for truck games, But if they are anything like previous games such as 18 wheels of steel and convoy, they will be pretty good - Also with time there was added maps, re-worked roads and road sign mods for those so the outlook is good as long as the modding community is still strong with trucking game/sim (cant really call it a sim to be fair)
Hmmm, lots of posts making me want to play this, just need a wheel stand pro for my g25 wheel.

Also want farming Simulator 2013 although wish it was a bit more farm management then diy.
Really enjoying this game. I somehow managed to roll my truck over going 30mph on a straight road. Not sure how that happened, but the sky looks good...
Good point.

So hard to tell whether they'll work well with my sofa, its quite deep so I need the wheel to come fairly far into the sofa if you know what I mean, if I have to lean forward to reach the wheel it will most likely give me back ache as they'd be no back support.
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