Yeah I agree.
They are probably trying to future proof it but will these chargers still be going when the majority have 350kW capable cars? Based on current charger reliability - probably not !
Yes I completely get the logic of putting in 350kw / 800v units but from my understanding the main difference between the 150kw and the 350kw units is additional power modules which can be added after the fact within the existing unit.
The biggest issue is getting power to the site, so assuming my understanding is correct, a larger number of lower power could be updated later when more power is available.
That said, the Kenpower system looks excellent as it doesn’t rely on individual charger stacks and all the plugs share power from the central power stack. That means you can put more plugs on the same supply as not all will be pulling the maximum power all the time. If they are all pulling the max power, they load share but that’s rare unless you overdo the number of plugs.
Yeah Kempower load sharing is much better - much like Telsa with the DC power cabinets ffeding a pair of stalls.
To be fair Rugby is the same number of Gridserve chargers - 12. Issue is its a honey pot now as the main hub to aim for. I dont know if the M6 Corley Instavolts (7 one direction 8 the other) are ever that busy as people hang to faster Rugby?
Rugby is also cheaper, that’s probably the driving force.
Most of the cars I’ve seen at rugby are barley capable of 150, let alone 350.