It's not really $38k though is it? That does not include fees, taxes or taxes in China. Bring that into the UK and you also need to add import tariffs and shipping half way across the world to the UK. That base price would translate to being at least £42k landed in the UK which happens to be the price when I bought mine just over a year ago, they still made good money on it then and probably will now.
The average margin on theirs cars is something like $15k at the moment. For a car like a Model 3/Y, thats an enormous margin and there is plenty of room for that to come down without causing any issues what so ever for the sustainability of the company. The current prices being charged for certain things is as much about managing demand as it is creaming off as much profit as possible while they can.
The average margin on theirs cars is something like $15k at the moment. For a car like a Model 3/Y, thats an enormous margin and there is plenty of room for that to come down without causing any issues what so ever for the sustainability of the company. The current prices being charged for certain things is as much about managing demand as it is creaming off as much profit as possible while they can.
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