EV general discussion

It's not really $38k though is it? That does not include fees, taxes or taxes in China. Bring that into the UK and you also need to add import tariffs and shipping half way across the world to the UK. That base price would translate to being at least £42k landed in the UK which happens to be the price when I bought mine just over a year ago, they still made good money on it then and probably will now.

The average margin on theirs cars is something like $15k at the moment. For a car like a Model 3/Y, thats an enormous margin and there is plenty of room for that to come down without causing any issues what so ever for the sustainability of the company. The current prices being charged for certain things is as much about managing demand as it is creaming off as much profit as possible while they can.
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We need some nice estate EVs to turn up please. We've pretty much only got the MG5 at the moment? Although I think I saw the new Astra EV will be available in both hatchback and estate so that's nice to see.
We need some nice estate EVs to turn up please. We've pretty much only got the MG5 at the moment? Although I think I saw the new Astra EV will be available in both hatchback and estate so that's nice to see.
A6 estate EV looks like the best one coming at the moment. Won’t be cheap though.
They are all pretty small as far as estates go though, the MG5 is basically a small hatchback with an estate shape - the boot isn't that much bigger than the ZS; certainly nowhere near my Octavia for example.

The range on the astra is pants too, real world range < 200 miles on the motorway even in the summer?
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True, I guess my point was that there's nothing really comparable in the EV market unless you can afford to spend £60k+

Some of the van-type "cars" (e.g. Berlingo, rifter etc) might have the space, but you'd be lucky to get 100 motorway miles out of them.
when they discussed some of the modularity&kwh options of the id7, having a longer wheel base may allow lower height battery packs, helping the svelte saloon height,
without having to do expensive foot well cut-outs or stacking batteries irregularly under rear seats or spine/ex-transmission tunnel area,
that issue is perhaps why astra has smaller pack/range too.
The Astra is another Stellatis unit. The recent “upping” to 51kWh like a E-208, Corsa etc.

Nothing magical, just volume push to bring in the supply chains and broaden the profit margin.

A cheap small car would always have limited range so unfair to suggest sub 200miles is poor range really.

The only reveal of the iD7 was CES this week, it will retain their unified cell so I’m not sure who jpaul has been talking to when using the term “they”. As usual I guess; More questions than answers and then takes more from the user base knowledge whilst also challenging it.
The limpet of motors.
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A cheap small car would always have limited range so unfair to suggest sub 200miles is poor range really.

I'm not sure that excuse really cuts it in 2023, especially when it's not actually that cheap.

It's going to be competing with things like the MG5, MG ZS, and Kia Niro Ev.

The Niro has 30% higher range and is around the same price.

The MG ZS has ~25% higher range and is ~£5k cheaper

Even the MG5 - which is basically the closest comparison - is ~£6k cheaper and has slightly higher range.

The Astra estate has always been a staple of cheap fleets for things like field engineers, and they aren't going to be too happy with such a low range (when I was doing field support i'd frequently do a 100 mile run before starting my first job for the day, and 200 miles wasn't unusual either), having to stop for a charge before even starting the day isn't exactly ideal!

A "cheap small car" in terms of EVs is something like a Zoe or MG4 (the standard range MG4 has the same range as the Astra and is over £10k cheaper).

This isn't a "desirable" marque we're talking about here, where someone is happy to pay the premium for build quality & badge snobbery vs something like an MG, it's a Vauxhall :p
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I've just leased a Model Y 2WD for my wife to mainly use. We had a 66 plate Tiguan which we loved but the Model Y has been a bit of a game changer. So big inside and the decent electric power (0-60 in 6.6 seconds) means it's quicker and smoother than the 2.0 Diesel.

6000 super charger miles thrown in as a pre-Christmas deal (ideal for holidays and longer trips) and we keep it plugged in at home most days so it's always fully charged and ready.

I'll be changing my 330e in a year for something full electric.
Yea I’m up to speed with industry stuff, god help me if this was my source… :cry: But I’m talking the production intent with a name. Still nothing to suggest a less deep cell as you were alluding to at either point.

It’s the same wheelbase as the Buzz which is a clue, expect a range bump when they go extra length pack. Likely to appear on an Enyaq LWB for China too.
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In answer to op, I'll likely hold out as long as possible. Might get a small EV (Zoe sized) for wife's short daily commute, but I keep hearing too many horror stories from owners about broken/busy chargers to make me feel happy about going EV only for the household.
Just came across this article

Seems to be saying used EV prices are coming down quite fast

I really hope there's a good 20-25% drop in EV prices across the board. I might be able to afford an upgrade from my Leaf 24 then :p

At the moment, I would need to spend around £14k-£16k for a meaningful upgrade (e.g. to an Ioniq, ZS EV, or Leaf 40). As much as I would like more range and a more modern car, it's simply not worth that sort of money to me.
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Highly impressed with the updated Tesla energy screen, it even shows you how much extra energy was used because of wind.

On the way home it predicted I'd get back with 1% remaining and it was spot on - important if you want to drive deep into the pack.

Highly impressed with the updated Tesla energy screen, it even shows you how much extra energy was used because of wind.
fascinating, so it has accessed wind direction/speed online, is inferring it from predominate direction of travel and expected consumption ? need a tacking route planner.
.. has usa shown shown any large inflation on public charger costs ?
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