EVE still worth it if newbie

where do i find the ocuk alliance?

Shine a flash light into the night sky, turn it on and off 10 times saying "There must be a way, to join OcUK", after the 10th time, they will come and collect you. Travel light, and say goodbye to loved ones. Don't forget to feed the cat.

Alternatively you could go here
trying to reactivate my account but can't remember my old character name?

have raised a petition. any ideas how i can find my character name

Shine a flash light into the night sky, turn it on and off 10 times saying "There must be a way, to join OcUK", after the 10th time, they will come and collect you. Travel light, and say goodbye to loved ones. Don't forget to feed the cat.

Alternatively you could go here

No offense, as you aren't the first to do this, but posts like this annoy me.

Why send a kid who has obviously just downloaded the game, wants to get cracking and so forth to a 500 page thread?

Why not post help here for him? What is the difference? Is there some sort of rule which says one thread per game? If there is it is crackers as they might as well sticky every thread.

Seriously, why would this kid want to read about a 500 battleship fight that took place in the nada system when he probably doesn't even know what a battleship is in EvE?

Good thread title kid, take no notice of the house cleaning brigade.
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