Ever check your Pollen Filter?

when I replaced mine there seemed to be the best half of a treee in there.
Dry leaves all over the floor :( Took ages to hoover them up as they were all shattered and spiky and sticking to the floor lol
Type your car model and 'pollen filter' into youtube, some nutter probably has a how to on replacing them. They're really easy on a lot of cars, just a case of removing the lower section of the glove box and a few clips.
haha practically nothing gets through the blowers on my e36

i have to have the fan set to 3 to get anything coming through

cant wait to see the state of that filter :P

You'll have a giggle with that, getting the old one out is a laugh, but the new one has to be broken (there will be snap points in the plastic on the new one) to get it in there.
might explain why its never been done then

i may consider manning up and running without a pollen filter, i hope i can take it :D
I've just ordered a new charcoal filter for mine as I don't know when it was last replaced. Not looking forward to replacing it though as apparently you need to remove one of the main CANBUS junction boxes to get to it.
I change mine at every service, it seems to be one of those things ticked as 'yes' but very rarely actually done!

Worse now during the winter months as damp old ones encourage condensation!
Just found one for £6.84 for the bmw :)

Mine is a state, leaves, wasps, bugs, it's literally crispy, think it's time for a new one at that price.
I cleaned my AC condenser out recently. No cabin filter on my car, first time it had been removed to be cleaned in 18 years, and the only things that had made their way through the ductwork and fan were a couple of tiny pine needles. Are these filters really necessary?
I changed the one in the e36 when I first got it as next to no air came through the vents , half a forest came out with it don't think it had ever been changed despite having lots of main dealer stamps in the book , 10 x better now.
First thing I do when I get a new car, all filters. Simple enough to do air, pollen, oil change and filters. Keep meaning to get the fuel filter done!

Changed the pollen filter, and mine was much like the OPs, black in colour, an OEM ford one, and that leads me to believe it had not been changed for a long time! It was an ex motorway muncher, with 2 owners, I guess the last owner did not do it!
Mine was the same


(Damaged by me pulling it out)

Only a Couple of £ to Replace too.
I replaced mine my self, my car does have FSH, and credit to the garage it's been serviced at - they have changed it (backed up by used screws and cleanish filter) but I do my own serving and repairs on my own cars as I don't trust garages to do a decent job.
I cleaned my AC condenser out recently. No cabin filter on my car, first time it had been removed to be cleaned in 18 years, and the only things that had made their way through the ductwork and fan were a couple of tiny pine needles. Are these filters really necessary?

I suffer from hayfever and afaik pollen filters help with that.
Not very manly I know, but my goodness is hayfever unpleasant.
Might do it tonight on my e36. Does the scuttle plastic need to come off? I want to make mine black again

No it's all done from under the drivers footwell, remove the lower plastic trim and heater pipe then it slides in and out the housing, just give it a firm wiggle when sliding it back in.
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