ever had a dream that made you sad ?

I've had a dream about texting a girl, woke up the next day panacking thinking I had texted her while I was asleep. Luckily I didn't otherwise I would have been every so slightly embarressed :o

Had a few dreams lately about the ex where we were back together, I just hope it never happens, she's turned into a whore.
My ex boyf (shudder) spoke in his sleep once, 'I'll get them tomorrow.. nah I can get more'.

Was really weird as I woke up and thought he was talking to me when he wasn't.

BB x
I had one extremely vivid dream that really made me feel.

I was about 5 and standing on a porch next to two adults who I didn't know, and watching as my little brother stayed in a car and was driven off somewhere else with a couple of other people. I know our parents weren't around, I think we'd been orphaned and were being adopted, but that feeling of losing the only thing left of my world was indescribable. Desolation doesn't even begin to come close!

It's nothing like my childhood, I don't remember seeing or reading anything about a similar situation at the time, and I don't really know where it came from.

The extremely strong emotional state that "I" was in makes me wonder if it could be a memory from a past life?
I have lots of dreams like that, it's horrible :( Most of the time the dream makes no sense but it feels like I've lost something.
Any one ever get a VERY strong sence of smell in their dreams? wierd smells which you would never of smelt befor?

Recently i had a dream, which i cant repeat on here as i dont think it would be apropriat and i think their is a lot more to the dream than i yet know. but yeah, sences in dreams, smell, toutch, taste, i seem to get these very strongly!
Yeah, one or two :) :o (not strong smells!)

Anyone notice that dreams tend to coincide with real life? Like I dreamt a bomb went off in my dream and there was a very large bang, which was actually the shower head falling off next door!
i once had a dream about my grandma dying, i was alone in her house while my family visited her in hospital, my mobile rang, it said 'grandma's home' was calling - but i knew i was the only one there, there was a knock on the door, i went to answer it, before i got there the spirit of my grandma, dressed as 'death' ran past me screaming and asking to be set free - i woke shaking and in tears - i don't like being in grandmas house alone any more.
I dreamt that I killed some oen and buried them under the back shed in one of my old houses then when I woke up I couldn't remember if I had or hadn't killed the guy but the worst part was trying to remember if I had told my wife I killed him????
I was rather upset for some reason :confused:
Brok said:
I had a dream about eating a dougnut last night, was gutted when I woke up and found it wasnt real :(
omg I had THAT SAME DREAM!!!

had to go out and buy some chocolate ring ones
I often dream that me and Phil break up. I wake up and he is sleeping next to me and I think' whats HE doing here??' Its a really odd feeling.

He talks away in his sleep, complete rubbish, and worse when he is drunk. Sometimes its such utter rubbish that I can't even remember what he says. :D
I've been woken because I was moaning in a kind of painful dying way before, I was sweating a lot too. Now I just have naughty dreams.
I have really strange dreams. When I split up with my ex (who messed me around a lot), I had some really horrible and sad ones, but a lot were about things that had actually happened.
i once dreamt that i had a ps2 (back in the day before i bought one) only to wake up n see my stupid ps1 still there lol

more recently i dreamt that i was havin a 4some at work in the office (was me, my gf and 2 cashiers). that ended with me not being able to finish the job at hand but battling a demon on the shop floor with a broom stick and a collegue of mine demanding the broom stick so he could sweep up n go home :confused: i felt depressed after that
Vix said:
I often dream that me and Phil break up. I wake up and he is sleeping next to me and I think' whats HE doing here??' Its a really odd feeling.

He talks away in his sleep, complete rubbish, and worse when he is drunk. Sometimes its such utter rubbish that I can't even remember what he says. :D

I had that same dream for 5 years 51 weeks and then she dumped me.
I dreamt that my family dies and I have to fend for myself, the first bit about my family dieing is sad but the bit about me having to fend for myself is good :confused:

i also nearly every night get the feeling of falling over backwards and I physically push myself up off the bed, I really dont understand it..
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