ever had a dream that made you sad ?

The wierdest dreams I have tend to be ones where my eyes must e half open or something and the shapes in the room are incorporated into the dream. Theyre also the most "real" as my mind obviously recognises the shapes but can quite figure out why there is a large rabbit/tractor/mad axe murderer or whatever in the room!

The most scary wake up moment Ive had was when I had been sleeping on my side with my head on my arm but at an angle where my hand was draped over my eye. My arm was numb (which is why I woke up) so I couldnt tell whos hand it was on my face! ARGGHH!

I do tend to wake up from numb limbs quite often and always worry when I try to free it / change position in case Im moving it in an awkward way that might result in a broken bone or dislocated joint :(
ever had a dream that made you sad?

I had a dream that i was having a baby. Had to rush home from work and my work collegues helped deliver it. The sad thing is my other half doesn't see himself as a father.

A dream i keep having is (it sounds really silly) large boxes wobbling on top of smaller boxes and i wake up sweating and sometimes crying but when i'm awake it doesn't bother me. Strange.
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this is so weird, i had a dream about this amazing girl i used to go to school with last night and havnt spoken to her in years! anyway, she didnt pay me attention in my dream and she worked in a shoe shop, a big one... and i lost my shoes in there, and i said i need a new pair, and she didnt believe me and walked off. then i tried to chase her down the train station and she hoped on a metro and there was a massive bulldozer in the way and i couldnt get to her!! :mad:

anyhoo, i woke up rang her and were goin to town tommorow!
I ain't had serious dreams since I was about 14. I had dreams I was going to die, I'd jump off a building, and almost hit the floor then wake up, one time I actually hit the floor :\

Also had dreams of ex g/f's leaving me and stuff. It's crap in your head, I've stopped thinking of it.
Occasionally I have dreams like that. Usually involving someone I love and loss. Although somtimes it is that someone I care about a great deal is being mean to me, like they hate me. Then you wake up realise it's all a dream but still makes me feel quite depressed for a while.... a day or so sometimes. Even though I know it isn't real I just can't help it.
Tru said:
I dreamt last night that I was sitting at a gloomy, but clean, city bar with a pint of lager. I wasn't drinking it though, because I was too busy shaving my beard with a machete. I was ordering tons of food and drink for 2 female companions but was putting it on the tab of some fat blokes sitting along from us. They eventually twigged and chased us out the bar, shooting at us. I woke up happy that I wasn't actually getting shot, but sad that I was no longer Crocodile Dundee.

LMAO, got to love the random dreams..

Is it true that you dreams are a collection of images and things you have seen throughout the day and it's just your brain processing them? Someone told me that once...
lucky lips said:
A dream i keep having is (it sounds really silly) large boxes wobbling on top of smaller boxes and i wake up sweating and sometimes crying but when i'm awake it doesn't bother me. Strange.

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I always dream i have a nice car or motorbike then wake up and realize it was a dream and shed a tear for my loss lol. When i was a kid i used to dream i had loads of sweets under my pillow then wake up and look only to find nothing there :( .

A really weird feature of a lot of my dreams is getting into a fight and my punches do nothing to my opponent, i don't actually get battered my self but feels weird. Another is I'm running away from something and my legs are really tired and i can hardly move.

Ohh and i do sometimes have dreams i think about the next day and can't get it out of my head, usually by the end of the day I've forgotten all about it tho. I love nightmares :D , its better than a horror film and costs nothing, nothing like free entertainment ;) .

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The wierdest dreams I have tend to be ones where my eyes must e half open or something and the shapes in the room are incorporated into the dream. Theyre also the most "real" as my mind obviously recognises the shapes but can quite figure out why there is a large rabbit/tractor/mad axe murderer or whatever in the room!
I get them as well, it's usually when im trying to stay awake in the morning as ive turned the alarm clock off but dont want to get out of bed. Also sounds make their way into my dream, like my alarm clock etc.
Never had one that made me sad, although I have had some where I wake up and go "How does that even remotely constitute as a dream?"

For example, last nights was:

Buying a pot of paint then testing it out on my wall, didn't like the colour; I think it was a sort of beige and I wanted to return it to this yellow or terrcotta colour and I got in a stress about it. Then I woke up and I shouted, really shouted "for the ******* love of GOD my walls are already BEIGE!"

Just surreal, its odd really because I wonder if dreams are the opposite of the kind of life you lead; for instance most people have really surreal dreams with flying and birds and clockwork shoes and such and they live crappy lives in an office. Whereas I mooch about fields most of my day with a camera and an MP3 player smoking cheap rollups and drinking crap lager, picking blackberries and such. I end up with crap dreams.
William said:
Whereas I mooch about fields most of my day with a camera and an MP3 player smoking cheap rollups and drinking crap lager, picking blackberries and such.

I'm just being curious - is that a past time or job?
William said:
Never had one that made me sad, although I have had some where I wake up and go "How does that even remotely constitute as a dream?"

For example, last nights was:

Buying a pot of paint then testing it out on my wall, didn't like the colour; I think it was a sort of beige and I wanted to return it to this yellow or terrcotta colour and I got in a stress about it. Then I woke up and I shouted, really shouted "for the ******* love of GOD my walls are already BEIGE!"

Just surreal, its odd really because I wonder if dreams are the opposite of the kind of life you lead; for instance most people have really surreal dreams with flying and birds and clockwork shoes and such and they live crappy lives in an office. Whereas I mooch about fields most of my day with a camera and an MP3 player smoking cheap rollups and drinking crap lager, picking blackberries and such. I end up with crap dreams.

Clockwork Shoes?? I'm intrigued :D

I had a dream that scared me the other day, then I realised it was a dream, as I sometimes do, and when I realise this, I can wake myself up pretty easily. However I really had to shout 5 or 6 times to get myself out of this dream, which was pretty worrying.
DB_SamX said:
I'm just being curious - is that a past time or job?

Sort of just being white trash.

I made a big mistake in getting a job which I start next week though, I kind of enjoyed doing **** all. Initially it was great, then it got boring but I have really got into it now. I'll have to get a better one taking photos for the National Trust or National Forest or somthing, because thats what a photographer lecturer near me does and he is just a pure bum and he gets paid for it. :p

So yeah, the job; I'll get a hair cut but they can **** off if they expect me to shave anything past a grade 3 on the clippers. :D
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