Ever left your work PC unlocked?

No never. Don' t trust anybody plus I tend to have the company accounts open most of the time.

However, my colleagues do frequently so I play the odd trick on them.
No, I lock my PC whenever I'm not at the desk.

However in my last job many didn't care for this, although very rarely did anything come of it - worked for the NHS (Says it all).

edit: I would imagine social networks are banned at most workplaces by now.
Used to work in a hospital where it was drilled into you to lock your machine whenever you left your desk. Got into the habit of it now so much I lock my home PC when I go to make a cuppa :)
If anyone does this in our company, they are quickly met with there autocorrect options changed in word,

type "the" ends up being "smoke my hat"

if they dont proof read...oh dear!
well when I worked in the council there was one guy that use to mess with unlocked computers all the time so one day we got on his computer when he was away and replace the ie.exe with the calc.exe and everytime he went to go on failbook he got calc, now the thing about Windows is that it backs up internet explorer exe just incase it gets corrupt or isnt there for some reason... so when this guy deleted the calc.exe to replace it windows kept restoring it faster then he could replace it :D

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