Ever left your work PC unlocked?

Only time ive ever done something to an unlocked pc was 10~ years ago at an insomnia lan, this guy was showing off his porn collection to everyone so on the last day i selected all of his porn, pictures, videos, etc.. and created a shortcut to them in his windows startup folder so once he had got home it would load hundreds of pics etc..

Never did find out what happened but i was amused.
At college if people leave their computers logged in we normally post some naughty things on their facebook and change the background to men kissing.

Everyone in the class knows the deal so most of us lock our computers although every so often someone forgets :p.
My work has a very strict policy about locking your PC. You step away from the PC, you lock it! Doesnt matter if you can still see the PC from where you've gone, you still lock it.

I remember about 2 years ago someone didnt lock their screen and some other guy jumped onto his computer and used his system to block the mobile number of somebody he had fallen out with. Thankfully the guilty party was caught swiftly and fired on the spot. Serves the idiot right, trying to frame an innocent guy for his prank!
Nope - on the spot sackable offense if I ever did.

Wow, you work for the MoD or something?

I even lock my PC/Laptop when I'm at home.

Got something to hide, eh? ;) :p Not one of our computers are locked at home. Anybody in the house can use them although I discourage heathens from touching my iMac with threats of death.
My old boss used to. His desktop wallpaper was a photo of him doing a backflip on a snowboard. I took this image, did a photoshop this image thread on OCUK, and then placed the picture that was now minus him as his wallpaper.

Took him 1.5 days to realise then

"where the **** have I gone to?"

Twas funny.
I've had to lock my damn phone with a password or I get facebook raped or the home screen gets set to some gay porn :(
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