Ever left your work PC unlocked?

My work colleague always left his laptop on the desk unsecured overnight, so I put it in a drawer once he'd left one day, planning to surprise it to him the next morning once I'd got a laugh out of his panic for a bit.

Forgot overnight didn't I.

Trouble getting my son off to school so I was in a little late too. Walked into the office to see him explaining the apparent theft of his laptop to the boss :eek:
Immediately fessed up and produced his laptop from a drawer........ Felt terrible, he was relieved but embarrassed, boss thought I'd done a great thing teaching him a lesson without losing an asset. Though really no-one likes a smart-arse. :rolleyes:

Number 134 in my list of pranks gone bad in my life, still don't learn though :D
No, but I have messed with a few collegues PC's before when they have walked away

1) Person 1- We put a topless posing "Hoff" picture on his desktop wallpaper
2) Person 2 - We set his homepage to some webpage which loads a picture of two men and an audio of two blokes going "oooooahhhh ahhh ahhh ahh ahhhhh oooohhhhh" as he had speakers

Last place I worked had a rule that if you left your pc unlocked long enough for someone to send an email to the team saying "pub lunch I'm getting the first round in" you had to get the first round in
Domain passwords are all in our password management system so there isn't much point. My ex-colleague frequently had Justin Bieber as his wallpaper, and other such things.
This used to happen in my first job in IT support. Due to ISO compliance and the rest of it, everyone HAD to lock their machine, which became habit soon enough.

If you didn't acquire the habit quick enough, there were emails sent around to the team from your email account of a dubious nature.
we got on guy good the other week lol everyone on his facebook thought he was a pedo and most his friends on FB werent his friends by time he noticed :)
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