Ever lost an internet acquaintance?

17 Aug 2009
Finchley, London
Have you ever known anyone, either good friend or someone you know quite well just from the internet, perhaps never met them, and one day you discover they died? This just happened. Someone who used to run a UK Quake 3 server, who practically taught me the game, passed away yesterday. His son who is an elite Q3 player, just informed me his dad was found collapsed in the lounge. I had a little weep because he was such a nice guy and we had years of great times on his server. First time for me mourning the loss of someone I knew only from the net.
Someone I knew through Quake 3 committed suicide the other year. I used to speak to him most nights, he started disappearing and getting harder to track down then I found out about a year later what happened. I always knew he was up and down emotionally but never realised that :(.

Pho? Are you phoenix from q3w?
Is this Thrash? sad times if so used to play on his server in the small hours of the morning every night for months was a tight regular crowd.

Yeah Rroff, it is thrash. Dor let me know today. I'm DRuM btw, you and I have played together, you normally have the all red coloured nickname. ;)

Sorry, you'd know me by either 'FarQ' or my silly name, 'Posh spice'.
I play QL now and again, have fits of playing it every night for a week then won't touch it for a couple of weeks heh.

I need to get back into it, haven't touched it for ages. No doubt 2ex devil is still owning everyone :D
My deepest sympathies to everyone who has posted in this thread about people they've known that they've lost. :(
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