evga customer service

25 Oct 2004
to those of you out there have had to rma an evga product through evga, how did you find the customer service. i have gone three weeks with no pc as my 680i decided to pack. i have rung the european and british contacts found on there websites numerous times. each time, they have been extremely apologetic reassured that something would be done if i email them giving details of the situation. the british contact in particular answers his phone at best 1/10 times. none of them have once got in touch with me although i have been quite persistent.
i ended up getting in touch with the usa hq and they provided me with am rma within 24hrs via email, but i was presented with a probelm in that, they claim they can only post it back to an american adress. looks like im going to have to buy another mobo as i need a new pc and am fed up with this crap. what a joke
i had a problem with mine so i phoned ocuk tech. they gave me the usa tech number which i rang, they were very helpfull and said they would give me an rma within a couple of days, stating that there uk rep would pick it up and give me another one

but my issues were fixed with a bios flash in windows from the evga site so i contacted them and told them id sorted it

so i have nothing but praise for evga tech but i didnt go as fer as rma'ing my board

the board is definitely gone. i had it up and running for a month before it died, but ive deduced that it is definitely the board. overclockers wont do anything because i dont have the socket protector which seems strange considering evga dont even care if it is returned with the mobo or not. when i spoke to evga usa they told me they could only return to an american adress and the uk contact has been completely useless. he never answers the phone and when he does, i end up going another week without hearing anything from him. its appaling service
hk3948 said:
the board is definitely gone. i had it up and running for a month before it died, but ive deduced that it is definitely the board. overclockers wont do anything because i dont have the socket protector which seems strange considering evga dont even care if it is returned with the mobo or not. when i spoke to evga usa they told me they could only return to an american adress and the uk contact has been completely useless. he never answers the phone and when he does, i end up going another week without hearing anything from him. its appaling service

if this is the case then that really sucks and i would also be seriously ****** off:mad:
hk3948 said:
...overclockers wont do anything because i dont have the socket protector which seems strange...

This is a warranty issue not a distance selling act return and within six months of the board being bought - doesn't matter if you wrapped it up in a plastic bag. They cannot refuse to accept the board on those grounds, it's faulty and under the bounds of the Sale of Goods act they, as the supplier, have an obligation to replace a faulty item.

Mention that you will take it up with trading standards if they refuse to honour a replacement.
is that really the case. ive been told by the retailer that after 28 days of purchase, i have to go through the manufacturer and that it is nothing to do with them. things were made even worse because in no way did they inform me that the motherboard had to be sent with the socket protector and so i was initially given an rma with the retailer. after spending £10 on special delivery to them, they returned it within 2 days completely unchanged, with a note claiming that warranty had been voided as the socket protector was missing. to top things of, they had the cheek to say that i would be charged £10 as an inspection fee and for the postage costs back.
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Did the socket protector never arrive?

Obviously we can't talk about the OcUK store so any views expressed here are to do with general UK retail legislation.

Your contract is with the shop you bought it from, not EVGA. In the first 12 months the shop you bought it from has to repair or replace the motherboard, not EVGA.

I've just asked a genuine bona fide £300/hour solicitor about the socket protector and unless it's the socket that is damaged - the retailer cannot reject your guarantee claim on that basis.

I'd send your lucky retailer a polite e-mail just saying that you think they should reconsider their position and if they don't then you'll buy another one of the same type and use a small claims court action to recover the costs you believe should have been covered by the guarantee. Make sure you name all the directors in your claim. The £200 motherboard is inconsequential compared to the time you can have them spend standing about waiting for the meeting with the arbitrator. Small claims is good because you're not allowed to have a solicitor and you cannot incur any costs, so it can't cost you anything.

You have very powerful rights. Use them.

Always be polite and respectful though. The Director you are annoying probably isn't the person messing you about, but (s)he is responsible and should be held accountable ;)
Legal beagle update (she's not a beagle, but she can be a *****). Did you actually get charged the inspection fee? If so, did you get a report as to what was actually wrong with the board? Ask for a report as to who carried out the work, what they did and what they discovered. I don't know if you're aware, but they have to levy a reasonable charge for the service - and if they charge for a service, they have to provide you wth that service.

Do you have anything in writing (even an e-mail) from the retailer saying they are not responsible after 28 days? If you do then they have broken the law and you really should take it up with trading standards.

I know of retailers who have signs up saying that they won't take stuff back if it doesn't fit because they can't advide you etc. etc. but it's all nonsense. Keep detailed records from now on. Always make sure you get a name from the person you speak to or correspond with. If you want to, contact me on my trust e-mail.

Finally, do bear in mind that you cannot discuss the OcUK store in these forums, so edit your original posts to protect yourself and stop them pulling the thread, which actually makes a valid point about how manufacturers support their products when the retailer won't.
hk3948 said:
.... with a note claiming that warranty had been voided as the socket protector was missing....

:eek: 10 years of warranty is gone because of the missing plastic socket protector???? :rolleyes:

I didn't know it is THAT important , better find mine ASAP,lol
omg im in the exact same situation :mad:

my 680i mobo died after 6 weeks and i was told by OcUK that i need to email evga direct on [email protected] as they cant help me
it turns out this email address is invalid :rolleyes: and the correct address is [email protected]

after 3 weeks i finally get in contact with someone and they tell me to turn the board back to Germany which is probably going to cost me a bundle and even then who knows how long before i get a replacement

I'm going to avoid evga products from now on
not because they are bad its just a hassle having to deal with them if something goes wrong

:mad: :mad:
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I'm pretty sure this has been said before, but as far as I'm aware, if you're in the first 12months of owning an item then the place you bought it from has a responsibility to deal with any RMA/replacement.

They can suggest that you may be better off, or quicker, to go through the manufacturer directly. But if its within the first 12months, then I believe you can request that the shop/store/etailor are the ones that deal with the problem.

NOTE: I could be wrong on this, so check around first :)
div0 said:
I'm pretty sure this has been said before, but as far as I'm aware, if you're in the first 12months of owning an item then the place you bought it from has a responsibility to deal with any RMA/replacement.

They can suggest that you may be better off, or quicker, to go through the manufacturer directly. But if its within the first 12months, then I believe you can request that the shop/store/etailor are the ones that deal with the problem.

NOTE: I could be wrong on this, so check around first :)

i already took that up with OcUK
they said it doesnt apply to all items and it depends on the the warranty
sounded like BS to me but since im not a legal expert i couldnt really say or do anything
wja96, that was a very interesting post you put up. no, im afraid i did not get the socket protector, i did email you about it a couple of times but had no reply. im not sure if they have actually charged me, i havent yet recieved a bill. with the returned untouched mobo i got a note stating that i would be charged for inspection, which im assuming means the fact that they had to look at the product and realise there was no socket protector. so, from what i gather from your posts, the retailer is responsible for product falts within the first 12months and unless the fault is down to the processor socket they cant reject the rma just for a missing socket protector?
If you do want to speak to EVGA always call the German number first, as they deal with European support. If you don't have any joy with them try the US office, they are H24.
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hk3948 said:
wja96, that was a very interesting post you put up. no, im afraid i did not get the socket protector, i did email you about it a couple of times but had no reply. im not sure if they have actually charged me, i havent yet recieved a bill. with the returned untouched mobo i got a note stating that i would be charged for inspection, which im assuming means the fact that they had to look at the product and realise there was no socket protector. so, from what i gather from your posts, the retailer is responsible for product falts within the first 12months and unless the fault is down to the processor socket they cant reject the rma just for a missing socket protector?

Right - I'll send you another socket protector then! And this time I'll send it recorded delivery. :rolleyes:

As regards being charged - check your credit card statement if that's how you paid. They can debit it whenever they want once they have the number. If they have taken a payment, then tell the credit card company and let them sort it out. Everything else you've re-stated from my post is correct. Remember, be polite and simply state that you have rights and that they have to help you. If they refuse, ask to speak to their line manager. If he refuses, ask for the name of the person that is the most senior manager or site and write to him. Contact me on my trust e-mail if you need to.
Sem said:
i already took that up with OcUK
they said it doesnt apply to all items and it depends on the the warranty
sounded like BS to me but since im not a legal expert i couldnt really say or do anything

Example Retailer Terms and Conditions said:
8. Warranty
8.1 All goods supplied by the Supplier are warranted free from defects for 12 months from the date of supply (unless otherwise stated). This warranty does not affect your statutory rights as a consumer.

This clause is the key one - I'm fairly sure all retailers have something like this in their terms and conditions of sale. What this says is that we (the shop) are giving you a warranty. But that warranty is on top of your legal rights. We're going to use the original equipment supplier wherever possible to reduce our own warranty costs, but if you ask us nicely, we'll process the warranty claim for you because we are legally obliged to.

The people I feel sorry for in this are EVGA as it's their support system that is being blamed. It must a nightmare for the EVGA rep if his mobile number is on the web site. Can you imagine? You're driving along in the car with the wife in the front and the kids in the back and some bloke with a busted motherboard phones up! And starts complaining. It just can't be nice.
I've found a couple of e-mails in the spam account - I think it doesn't like hk3948 as a 'name' so it's been putting them away from the main account. I've added you to the safe list now ;) And I'll send you another socket protector to the alternate address tomorrow.
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