Looks very nice and shiny..... but its what is inside that counts
review here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPGiqIhxErc
Pretty much sums it up
That review shows the problems this case has so not for me well not until they make some changes and i was expecting better for the price.
Looks great until you see the 500w quality bronze power supply lol.It wont be bronze rated much when it is being pounded to 90% capacity all day long.
Even a corsair 500w in a high end system i would give it 2-3 yrs max before a cap blows.
What the devil are you on about.
An overclocked high end system with one 7970 card can justabout reach 400W under load.
At idle the same system is likely to be getting along on 100W+
Those are very reasonable demands for a 500W power supply as long as it is capable of its rated wattage.
The PSU claims 480W on the 12V which is sufficient for even a very substantial overclocked system.
What about cable management any good in this case as i see a lot of cables coming from the psu?
Looks great until you see the 500w quality bronze power supply lol.It wont be bronze rated much when it is being pounded to 90% capacity all day long.
Even a corsair 500w in a high end system i would give it 2-3 yrs max before a cap blows.
Is it going to be available with out a side window?
Looks great until you see the 500w quality bronze power supply lol.It wont be bronze rated much when it is being pounded to 90% capacity all day long.
Even a corsair 500w in a high end system i would give it 2-3 yrs max before a cap blows.