Remember this thread? I know, I know.. I've been busy
Apologies for not updating the thread. Money is tight, I've had so many jobs to do in the house and raising the little one really drains!
I'll try to keep the thread as up to date as I can but the house only really changes little bits at a time, and I'd rather do the bigger updates, than posting to say "lol fitted this". I understand people like to see loads of pictures, so I raced home from work last night and went mad with the camera...
We finally have a front wall. Same blue bricks from the house, so that it all matches.
When digging the footings for the wall the driver of the machine was under strict instructions that if he hit the BT duct I'd initiate him in Mortal Kombat. I found it best to remind him every morning, as if I had a short term memory
Talk about mess though!
The wall to the left of the house (if looking at it from the front) is shorter, as we plan on having a drive put in up the side of the house. Things get a little bit complicated as we have to bridge the gap of the stream / storm drain (shown in red), install concrete lintels similar to those used on motorway bridge construction, then pave over the top, so for now we're just putting 1 pillar up. The other pillar will sit where I've marked yellow.
Bye bye fence. Hello concrete.
The gap doesn't look wide enough for a car, but the architect and the builder have both assured me it will be fine once the wall is up and the ground is backfilled.
That waste pipe is the main drain from the downpipes. The council have given us permission to drain the rainwater from the roof in to the stream. If you have eagle vision you can spot another half way up the picture.
This is where the stream comes from, if anyone cares. The first picture is where the side fencing/wall ends.
Had to do the splits across the gap to take this
Around back we're having a big retaining wall with steps up to the garden. Behind the wall I'll put a drain, so all water running down the garden hits the drain and runs away from the house. The gap between the wall and the house is 3M.
The rain splashes the mud and turns the lovely render a horrible brown colour. Hence the mud along the side and back