Evolution or God

6 Oct 2019
Hi bit of a strange topic but through some strange YT algorithm I have gone down the rabbit hole.

I've been watching a lot of SciManDan debunk flat earth conspiracies and Professor Dave explains. I don't believe in any conspiracy or the flat earth model, I've been to School and learnt how the stuff around us happened all from the big bang, throughout billions of years were here now due to evolution.

Now someone I have come across is Kent Hovind who believes in creation, god made us all 6000 years ago, stars/humans the full lot.

I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but does anyone in here believe we were all created by God? It would be interesting to get your opinions and how you have come to this conclusion? I want to try and understand what made us go down a different path? Is it just down to pure religion? Believing in the Bible? Or have I got this all wrong :confused:

I hope this topic is ok to post, I'm not trying to aim hate at Religion.

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One of the big problems is that you cannot disprove the position that an omnipotent creator simply faked it all. "Yes, it was created to appear to be 100 million years old."

I vaguely remember something like this being a point in Terry Pratchett's Strata where they create planets with a layered geological history. Or something. It's been over 2 decades since I read it.

However, the onus is on those who propose something to prove it, not on others to disprove it. And the evidence in favour of the universe being 14+ billion years old, evolution, and so on is impressive.
The question is simply, evidence based hypothesis or superstition.

I have a problem with faith, the fact it requires faith, not fact and cannot be challenged, because if you challenge faith then you clearly lack faith..... but faith is flawed without fact and evidence.
Religion - used to keep the masses under control and give them a goal for a life of servitude. Also still been used as a weapon to this day.

Religion - don't tell me i'm wrong, or to convert just because i don't agree with your sky fairies. I fear the 'peaceful' muslim religion is growing at such a pace, that we will be back to sticks and stones instead of embracing science and progressing.

You have one life, then nothingness - live your life.
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God didn’t create the universe 6000 years ago. Anyone who believes that has been drinking the same kool aid as Putin. And I am a Catholic.

He is a Christian fundamentalist evangelist, what ever that meana. He absolutely is convinced everything was created 6000 years ago.

Which God, there are so many?

Presume the one in the Bible? Moses and we all descended from Adam and Eve.
God or God's? How can all religions be correct? There are many god's in Hinduism or Buddhism for eg. I mean, why just have one when you can have many.
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Presume the one in the Bible? Moses and we all descended from Adam and Eve.
I mean Adams tryst with Lilith often gets overlooked. Not sure if she was before or after Eve.

I have to question even if people believe in that how do they not question his managerial and interpersonal skills? He went to war with Lucifer, I mean all can't have been rosy and then cast him out to be Satan.

I mean as stories they're quite interesting, take the giant Nephilim. Sounds a bit alieny that though.
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I’ve had absolutely mental conversations with co-workers in the past that utterly deny the fossil record/Carbon 14 dating despite having multiple STEM degrees.

Just goes to show if you drum utter nonsense into kids, a lot of them still believe it in later life despite all the evidence to the contrary.
Some science is fact, some science is simply our best interpretation and is not infallible.

But there is no god.

For there to be a god that requires the faith of mere mortal humans requires that god to be either vain or fragile. Neither of which makes any sense for an all powerful all knowing entity.

What sort of bull**** games would such a god be playing with this 6000 year nonsense anyway? It's just unserious.
I believe in the science route, so the Big Bang and evolution. Like with religion though, science doesn't always get it right. There was a composer called Holst who wrote "The Planets" suite. Not including Earth, The Planets had Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Pluto was then discovered in 1930 as a 9th planet. The Planets suite stayed as it is without Pluto, and lo and behold, Pluto later got downgraded so was no longer a planet.

Sometimes it's down to discoveries and the order in which they happened. Another example is the dinosaurs and new time periods that have been discovered that pre-date Jurassic, and we're certainly talking more than 6,000 years ago!
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I believe in some kind of intelligent creation and I believe that there is a power (or powers perhaps) greater than me in the universe.

I'm less convinced that any one religion has accurately understood that power (or those powers) - religion is, I suspect, the human attempt to understand that which we cannot understand. Its my belief that taken to their core beliefs actually most religions fundamentally say and believe along very similar lines with geographical and cultural flavours from the parts of the world they developed in. For example restrictions on eating certain meat products could simply be a result of the difficulty of keeping meat fresh and safe to eat in the climate of the Middle East.

I'm of the opinion that it doesn't matter what stories you use to understand your world so long and you don't try to force that world view on me or anyone else.
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