Evolution or God

big bang , most theories end up being flawed at some point. einsteins theories have been proved wrong recently too. its just calculated guesses until we can actually understand what is reality. god is the other side of the coin with no real answer too. just hope.

things just evolved. we evolve. path of least resistance. 2 outcomes. its that simple. humans are just here to advance the next gen from before. which is our life goal. you should be better than the person before you in some way to add something to the human race evolving.

Do you have evidence that Einstein was wrong?
A slight side tact - there's a school of thinking of consciousness affects things at a quantum level.

Penrose gave the thought experiment:
* Imagine an earth identical to earth, millions of lightyears away, but had no life. Except all its weather and conditions sat in super position.
* Earth sent a probe with a camera to take a photo and relay to earth
* The probe arrives, takes a photo and send it to earth
* At the precise moment that the human views the image, the weather on the far planet changes to a fixed state instantly.
yeah i dont buy that - it might be an interesting thought experiment but thats not how quantum mechanics works.
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