That's the computer all stripped, cleaned and rebuilt. While it warms up I'll post some pictures of what I did and tested.
TLDR - I think it's thermal paste pump out on the GPU.
Stripped the reservoir to clean the filter of the Utilitube which was a little dirty from small bits of the EPDM hose that acts as the umbilicals between the computer and the radiator. This wouldn't cause much of an issue as the mesh is just between the reservoir contents and the pump.
Tested the flow of the pump, this is at 100% and perfectly fine.
The micro fins of the EK Velocity 2 CPU block look clear except for what looks to be a very small hair.
The micro fins of the Watercool Heatkiller for the GPU look fine also, a tiny bit of crud but noting I'd think would cause a problem. The gunk around where the o-ring would sit has what I presume silicone to protect the o-ring.
Here's a close up of the 4090's die just after removing the waterblock. Does this look like thermal paste "pump out" to any of you?
An image of the waterblock after removing the 4090.
It certainly looks like thermal paste pump out from the few images I've found from searching. This was a brand new tube of Artic MX-6 too.
The kicker is it's the same stuff I've just used on the reassembly

Anyway, gave both block's contact plates a nice ultrasonic bath in some isopropanol alcohol...
Checked the fins were clean using my smallest feeler gauge
Pressure tested both waterblocks before refitting them. Better than factory!
Final pressure test before adding water.
How things are at present, with just an idle workload. I'll start some GPU and CPU workloads up now to bed things in.
So, thermal paste pump out on the GPU we think?