I'm sure the NHS ones are great. I'm in the fortunate position that I can go and get this done privately/quickly. Means that someone that needs the NHS more than me can use them to help them out.
1 day in of my trial with the 2 I've been allocated and it's startling the difference they make. Very noticeable when I turn them off or take them out. It's as if someone has pushed an off button on the world around me!
@Jimbeam3678 thank you. And yes the tinnitus management will be an interesting exploration as well. If the brain isn't having to process things it can't interpret I'm hoping life will get a little easier.
When I first picked mine up from hospital and drove home I couldnt believe difference. I could hear my car indicators ticking better and keys jingling. I hadn't really been aware of how much I had been missing at that point.
One handy thing about being half deaf on one side is I can take hearing aid out, lie on my good side and sleep like a baby ha.
Oh and with batteries I just buy in bulk from amazon. Duracell ones nice and cheap. Don't fall into paying over the odds through whoever supplied your hearing aid. (if that's a thing). Nhs provide batteries but I find buying them myself easier.
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