Explaining gap in CV

I just thought I'd bring this to a conclusion.

I updated my CV following the replies on here and chose to add "Full-Time Carer" as my latest role with literally a few words explaining why I left my last position.

I had three interviews where it was barely mentioned until today where the interviewer commended my honesty and decision to put my partner first. Four hours later I got a call offering me the role.
Well done.

Honesty is usually best with these things and you have found a company with seemingly good values to boot.
Congratulations on your new job. I wish it was the same for everyone in your position. Great job and moving forward for 14 years, then made redundant after long hospitalisation. W
hat do people think of a gap which is now 14 months'?
should be fine if it is explainable as with the OP here don't dwell on it too much - you can chuck in a one liner and then expand on it a bit more if required/asked

if it is as a result of hospitalisation and at some point you're in a position where you're ready to work but in the process of applying then it could be worth trying some online courses, side projects etc.. - it is both useful to make use of the time to improve yourself and it looks good from the employer's perspective too
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