external hd

10 Jun 2005
ok i have a lot of music, photos, videos so i am getting worried about losing them all so i am think of getting an external hard drive to back it all up, what is the best one to get? wanting it around a few hundred gigs
out of the 'pre-made' external HDs i recommend the Western digital Mybook

or you can buy an enclosure and use a drive of your choice
ive allways bought pre made ones, sisne the last icybox etc died after three weeks

my vote goes to lacie as they have the best range of external hdd,s and have been doing them sinse the year dot
Check out this thread, can definatley vouch for this enclosure, been solid for me so far. I ended up going for this as Icy Box's have a bad reputation of currupting HDD's/dieing.
nick_lerwill said:
is it better to get a hard drive and put it in enclosure? if so whats the best hard drive and enclosure to get?


When you buy pre-build external HD's they come with reduced warrantys. Get a kool looking case (Iceybox Blue) and grab a Seagate 7200.10 Hd.

(Never had a problem with IDE iceyboxs and have sold a good half a dozen to customers!!)
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