External tower case with several optical drives

8 May 2020
Hi All,

Is it possible to build a tower unit with several optical drives that would act as a hardware extension to a computer, a break-away-box (i believe), with its own power and options to add PCI cards for different buses eg USB, Firewire, Lightening?

Preferably that is 'transplantable' to other operating systems from OSX to Linux etc?

Much appreciated for any help.
Thanks in advance.
You could build a PC with the above and remote desktop into it.

If you need to drive remote hardware through a local pc then you will simply run into interface issues - drivers are not designed to work like this afik.
yes, i've done this. Search ebay for dvd duplication chassis. I have one with its own PSU. Attched to PC via external SAS cables (i.e., 2x4 SATA connectors).
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