*****Extra Life 2017*****

Righto - going live at 10am (ish!) and you can catch us here:


Or if you feel fancy M-M-M-M-M-Multitwitch!

http://www.multitwitch.tv/psymonkee/dedwoods42 - watch both of us at once! :D

You can sponsor me here: https://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.participant&participantID=248746 :D

Oh and I have a death counter for both Mirror's Edge and Prince of Persia. Any predictions? Anyone brave enough to donate if I can keep it in single digits? :D
Far ahead of Dan who is struggling with the camera and controls - taking a quick break at 62% completion!

Does anyone want to join us for Wreckfest or Gang Beasts later? :)
Slipped my mind completely (must have been the lack of sleep!) but I did indeed promise those who donated a raffle chance at a game from Steam up to £30!

Only 3 participants from this thread that I can see (The Swede, Schnipplze, Russinating) so into RANDOM.ORG you go! :D

Today's winning number is 2!

@Schnippzle - step forward and be recognized! :D (I have you on twitter so I'll sort it out with you there!)

Additionally I raised $200, Dan made $172 giving us $372 total and leaving us just shy of the target we set of $400 - not too bad.

The head to head thing didn't really pan out very well so I'll go back to the drawing board and come up with something different for next year. That or Borderlands 3! :D
Slipped my mind completely (must have been the lack of sleep!) but I did indeed promise those who donated a raffle chance at a game from Steam up to £30!

Only 3 participants from this thread that I can see (The Swede, Schnipplze, Russinating) so into RANDOM.ORG you go! :D

Today's winning number is 2!

@Schnippzle - step forward and be recognized! :D (I have you on twitter so I'll sort it out with you there!)

Additionally I raised $200, Dan made $172 giving us $372 total and leaving us just shy of the target we set of $400 - not too bad.

The head to head thing didn't really pan out very well so I'll go back to the drawing board and come up with something different for next year. That or Borderlands 3! :D
Congratulations to your 24 hours streaming and additional raise of funds ! :D

And congratulations to @Schnippzle for winning the draw ! :cool:
So I finally got in touch with the awesome @Schnippzle and he requested I donate the prize funds towards Extra Life. An extremely kind gesture and one I have followed through with now.

An extra $40 to the total is always welcome.

Thanks once again :)
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