F1 2010 season abit boring?

The Arnoux Villeneuve battle would never happen again because those drivers gave a cars width, respect because locking wheels would easily kill you. As you saw with Massa on Hamilton at the start of the GP the only defensive driving these gimps know is to cut the road off or edge over in the hope thge other driver yeilds or ends up on the grass.

More to the point, slip-streaming was a bigger effect than the effect of dirty-air on aero. They were able to pull passing moves because the guy behind had the advantage.
More to the point, slip-streaming was a bigger effect than the effect of dirty-air on aero. They were able to pull passing moves because the guy behind had the advantage.
.... and that's what F1 needs today.
More to the point, slip-streaming was a bigger effect than the effect of dirty-air on aero. They were able to pull passing moves because the guy behind had the advantage.

Agree but as soon as someone moved out the tow the car infront would edge them onto the grass ;)

I don't know why they keep letting them get away with it. Probably going to take a death to sort it out.
F1 wasn't always boring.

Senna, 1993

I remember that race very well. It was a soaking wet race, which Senna dominated. The race was so chaotic that most drivers were going off the track. D.Hill who finished 2nd, said that he didnt actually know his final race position until after he had completed his warm down lap.

In general, wet races provide fantastic excitment and the above GP is a good example. If it had rained heavily in Bahrain, we could've seen similar levels of excitment.

1993 also had its fair share of snoozefests, though nothing as bad as what we saw a few days ago.
.... and that's what F1 needs today.

Trouble is, how do you go about doing it without basically turning the aero of the cars into a spec series?

They all know that the dirty air makes it a pain to get past someone but also that it is a pain for others to get past themselves. Even if you force them to make it easier to pass, they'll all want to make their own cars a little bit harder to follow than everyone else and three years later you're back in the same boat.

Unless a method could be developed to objectively measure the disruption to the air behind a car and set a limit on it, they'll always be aiming to make their own cars harder to pass.
I knew the refueling ban would do this... but all the "oldies" were glad to see refueling gone. Can i really ask why?

Yeh, Bahrain is a boring track but LOOK what the lack of stratagy did to the racing. They just drove around for 49laps doing almost nothing specail because they had so much fuel on board they couldnt push hard. Same with engines having to last <4 races. If i wanted to watch endurance racing id go watch leman 24hrs. not F1. Sigh.
All removing refuelling has done is highlight the problems in the formula, when the governing body proposed something radical the teams threw a hissy and came up with their own plans (which failed), the increased grip on the front end has been lessoned this year with the tyres, so I wonder how surprising the result really was... Still early days yet, lets see another couple of races before we hit the panic button
^Agreed, i mean it could pan out that they settle in a bit further down the season but I have a feeling this is just the intrinsic problem in the sport eventually coming to a head.
That was the 2nd highest Bahrain GP in terms of over taking.

2004 - 12
2005 - 8
2006 - 34
2007 - 18
2008 - 13
2009 - 15
2010 - 20

It's not all down to fuel.

I'm happy to see the end of sprint race, passing in the pitstops. The problem isn't fuel it's getting these **** team owners to actually do something to the cars to make the spectacle more exciting.

I mean that overtaking working group has been going for years and achieved nothing. Years and years of tinkering about with various formats never addressing the issues.

1997 Villeneuve got an FIA reprimand for speaking out against the stupid groove tyres and narrow cars and how he wanted the aero removed and more mechanical grip, not less. 13 years later and we are still having the same discussions.
1997 Villeneuve got an FIA reprimand for speaking out against the stupid groove tyres and narrow cars and how he wanted the aero removed and more mechanical grip, not less. 13 years later and we are still having the same discussions.

Surely, having a narrower car makes it easier for overtaking, while a wider car makes for difficult overtaking?
I think refueling should be allowed again and allow teams to change engines as much as they want but only if the engine currently in the car has broken (so no swapping them for the fun of it). This enables teams to push from the beginning without the fear of using your quota of engines to early.

As said above this is F1 which is supposed to be fast not Lemans.
There's an "Overtaking Working Group"? What a joke. It should be disbanded immediately as it's clearly not fit for purpose.

There's a very simple fix to this problem. Reduce aero and increase mechanical grip. Job done. Why is this so difficult to grasp?
There's a very simple fix to this problem. Reduce aero and increase mechanical grip. Job done. Why is this so difficult to grasp?

They've done this several times but the teams just work around it and claw it back.
They've done this several times but the teams just work around it and claw it back.
Really? I know there have been tweaks, but is it really right and properly that a slightly different diffuser design can give a car have such an advantage?

I say we make cars wider, tyres wider, reduce front and rear wing size and severely restrict down-force and aero work.
There's an "Overtaking Working Group"? What a joke. It should be disbanded immediately as it's clearly not fit for purpose.

There's a very simple fix to this problem. Reduce aero and increase mechanical grip. Job done. Why is this so difficult to grasp?

As the OWG is made up with team bosses I would imagine the hardest part is getting them all to agree the changes.
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