How in the name of hell do I add the Google calendar from F1 Fanatic, to my calendars?[email protected]&ctz=Europe/London
If the process was the same as last year, it means the BBC didn't think Monaco was in the top 3 races they wanted.
I pay my parents £10.25 a month for the HD package solely to watch F1, don't particularly fancy shelling out £31 a month to get it :/
Assuming they aren't planning on cancelling the HD pack, you wont have to?
Nice also about practice being shown in HD on BBC 2, if you're a BBC viewer
Never heard of this Tom Clarkson though.
Never heard of him either.
I pay my parents £10.25 a month for the HD package solely to watch F1, don't particularly fancy shelling out £31 a month to get it :/
Sorry I've just seen this. As I think you've worked out if you continue with the HD pack then you will continue to receive F1 without having to pay any extra.
Until Sky break up the HD pack.