F1 in UHD on Sky.

Dish cabling lnb installation setup etc all cost money.
Why do so many people expect it for free?

Because they pay exorbitant monthly fees for advert-ridden content? If you're paying £600+ a year already, it's not ridiculous to expect the setup costs to be factored into the price, especially when the majority of customers are going to be subscribed for multiple years.
Dish cabling lnb installation setup etc all cost money.
Why do so many people expect it for free?
iirc you pay for the Sky Q box itself and still rent it as well. Cost will come down once its been out a while but early adopters will pay the price.
I did, but I sit a little too far away to notice a massive difference but it did seem more vibrant and slightly higher detail. And so it should, the whole race show took 84GB of space! I'll continue to record it in UHD anyway. I tend to watch the practice sessions and Qualifying on my Mini box so that's standard HD and will likely watch the race in UHD.
I have my renewal coming up in April, tempted to do the old "I'm off" act and see if I can get a good offer on Sky Q. F1 in UHD is the main reason now that I really want it
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