Steam needs a policy where bans by game devs can be appealed, and if steam find it unreasonable, they give the dev a choice (refund the game whilst you keep the license or unban).
Steams a steaming pile of turd anyway and completely anti consumer friendly imo...apparently its against steams forum policy to manipulate reviews or something, so if a games crap and you say "this games crap people should give it negative reviews" you would get banned.
This game is basically F1 Manager 2023 early access beta test simulator which you pay £45 for the pleasure.
Everything is so simple and feels like placeholder so they can test the engine and get a stable product, it's now entered Beta but instead of fleshing everything out and sorting the simulation parameters to be realistic they just launched it instead.
Wet tyres are as fast as slicks in the dry with 0.0mm of rain they just wear incredibly fast,
Tyres from 30%>100% don't seem to lose any time
Tyre compounds are so close in performance that using slicks is a waste of time so everyone who plays the game goes hard> mediums unless a track forces a 3 stop strat and then you might throw in a soft to plug the gap...
Crash animations are about 3 per track and look like place holder crashes mainly and totally unrealistic.
Lockup animations are the same 2-3 per track.
Running wide animations about 2-3 per track some of which look ridiculous like cutting across a chicane but then stopping instead of carrying on to the track.
they are clearly place holder animations to test the game code and get a stable product, apart from a couple of them that actually look petty good.
Drivers don't regress and get worse so everyone gets high level, the only difference is some retire earlier than others, probably based on when they randomly lose a car seat and don't get another.
Fuel doesn't seem to make any difference so +14laps and you can still match pace.
Car development was bugged and people pushing all the sliders to max seemed to be like an exploit (but they seem to have fixed that in a patch today.
No driver traits is lame, drivers don't have favourite tracks etc where they perform better as in real life.
almost every race 18 or 19 drivers will finish, The highest retirements I saw in a single race was 4 and that happened once near the end of a season at shanghai, the race had 4 safety cars and it seemed pretty fun that way..
I don't think I saw any mechanical failures, and 0 punctures.
The game throws money at you even as Williams so you can upgrade a lot of buildings in the first season.
There's probably loads of other stuff I can't think of from the top of my head.
it feels like early access but when they will be releasing 2023 in probably less than a year you know nothing will really change in this game.
if the devs had any honour they would declare anyone who bought 2022 gets 2023 for free and consider this "early access" for 2023 based on 2022 season cars.
Bizarrely with how barebones the game is I still played 60 hours and find it fun still.... I Put a negative review on steam though if people put positive the devs will thinK they can get away with bringing out a bare bones game that's clearly in reality only just moved from "alpha" to "beta" IE feature complete but placeholder mechanics, doesn't crash but now should be fully fleshed out
If it cost £20-25 then sure it would be "okay" maybe but for £45 and when it's going to be a yearly release title it's basically paying for a half finished game.
I'm still carrying on with it though, I'm in season 2 with Williams, I didn't develop my 2022 car and just fully researched for the 2023 season currently fighting for around 13th place in races and having fun.
anyone who starts with a top 4 or 5 car probably gets bored really fast though as there's likely not much of a challenge