
I suspect another Apple funded film where the directors/actors took the free money and didn't try too hard. It will be bad.
I don't want to jump on the negativity bandwagon, but I agree. Technical prowess does not make a good movie, unfortunately.

To be fair, KOFM and Napolean weren't bad, but they both had clear, visionary directors behind them that would win every argument with the studio. I'm not sure Kosinski is the same, he's more like a new wave Michael Bay (but better) who just wants to make fun blockbusters.

Trailers are always better than the whole movie too, if you can't make a trailer that makes people go "wow" then it's not a great sign...
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Getting Driven vibes from the trailer.

Now that was a hilariously awful film.

I was always under the impression that Stallone wanted Driven to be F1 based but Bernie saw the script and said don't be silly - or something similar.

A past his best retired driver comes out of retirement to push an upcoming rookie to winning the WDC - in a back marker team that suddenly realises you actually do indeed need to put all 4 wheels on the car.

Of course I'll watch it :)
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Brad Pitt is 61.........

In fairness he doesn’t look 61..at all.

Alonso is 43 and Pitt can maybe pass himself off as close to that with make up etc.

It is pushing the believability it a little bit though. Not sure why they couldn’t cast someone younger.

I have low expectations for it anyway, regardless of that/his age. I fear it is just going to be really cringeworthy, and isn’t going to be anywhere near as good as Rush was.
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It might actually be alright! I didn't realise it's the same director that did Top Gun, that was a good romp in the cinema so it might be worth making the trip to watch this on the big screen as well.
The dialogue looks so bad. I’m expecting a terribly poor script. But some of the racing scenes should be decent.
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I think we all have to go on this knowing the plot is cliche but "Race cars!"

And hope it's not another Gran Turismo.

Tangent - When I was young I had a book called "Way to Dusty Death". It was about a washed up F1 driver who appeared to have a drink problem. He was actually working for the CIA/FBI, pretending to be an alcoholic. There was a drug smugling gang working within F1 moving drugs within the cars and vehicles. There were very few checks back then so a perfect way to move product without alerting the police. Always thought that would make a good film.
I think we all have to go on this knowing the plot is cliche but "Race cars!"

And hope it's not another Gran Turismo.

Tangent - When I was young I had a book called "Way to Dusty Death". It was about a washed up F1 driver who appeared to have a drink problem. He was actually working for the CIA/FBI, pretending to be an alcoholic. There was a drug smugling gang working within F1 moving drugs within the cars and vehicles. There were very few checks back then so a perfect way to move product without alerting the police. Always thought that would make a good film.

That book sounds great - if you're vaguely interested in motorcycles, there's a real life story told in "Stealing Speed: The Biggest Spy Scandal in Motorsport History" Mat Oxley that you might like. There's a summary/review here that goes into a bit of detail about it https://www.motorcyclealliance.com.au/book-review-stealing-speed-mat-oxley/
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