FA Cup Semi Finals + other football *Spoilers*

On a side note, and a mini rant, why is the BBC online radio and iPlayer so utterly utterly crap?

It just doesn't work. Connects, then does nothing at all. If I push for an error code I get told my sound card isn't responding. Funny that, because there's no problem in device manager, or in any games, or with music, etc. etc. etc.

This isn't the first time i've had problems with it either. It seems incapable of actually using my bandwidth when I try to watch something. Stutters like hell.

Load of ****, quite frankly.
Well, started brightly, scored, gave up and let Chelsea back in by defending like 'tards. Here's hoping Wenger can sort that defence out at half-time.
copy this url into your media player: http://www.bbc.co.uk/fivelive/live/live.asx

WMP11 said:
You've encountered error message C00D0FEA while using Windows Media Player. Additional information is not currently available for this error.

Technical Details
This error might have been triggered by an error in another program or component of Windows. The following information describes the original error.

Original Error Code
Original Error Message

The download of the specified resource has failed.

Different error, but still no success.
To be honest, I think both goals could've been avoided. Both teams seemed to be waiting for the other to bring the game to them. I'm not sure what's going on but the Arsenal defence is quite composed up until Chelsea begin to probe aggressively, then it just falls apart. The game so far, from what I can tell is that it's mainly being played in the Arsenal midfield.

Where is Fab? He's playing a really quiet game. Gibbs needs to be pushing up a little more as he seems to be constantly late to the ball. Diaby had a couple of great runs but had no support.
Setanta commentator 'why did he have to raise his arm?'

he didn't u god damn monkey! drogba clearly jumps up and silvestre has his hand over his shoulder. drogba jumps up. so does the arm. what is wrong with this guy? is he retarded? he makes a complete hash of commentating. he hasn't a clue. i just want to nut him. setanta football coverage is killing football coverage.
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