Luke15 said:Diprobase is good.
Diprobase is absolutely excellent, I shave with it. However, I do tend to find a bit greasy, and the only time I moisturise with it is for use on my body after my shower.
Luke15 said:Diprobase is good.
That's roughly my sort of plan Just have to remember to follow it and not get lazy and just wash with nice dry skin inducing soapWantoN said:I suggest you follow a good cleansing routine and use an intensive moisturiser.
I'm not too hot on women's stuff, but a Nivea moisturising facial wash would probably be a good idea. Follow this up with bodyshop's coconut scrub, use a Simple Toner, and then moisturise with a decent moisturiser, look for something with Q10 in
Haly said:That's roughly my sort of plan Just have to remember to follow it and not get lazy and just wash with nice dry skin inducing soap
Sounds like a planWantoN said:It's suprising how quickly you can get into the routine. I personally don't bother toning, so that's probably the one I'd leave out if you're a little bit prone to not bothering like me. I can't stress enough how important I think a scrub is though.
Moisturise after washing in the morning, and again in the evening. I tend to follow my facecare routine seperate from having a shower.
WantoN said:I suggest you follow a good cleansing routine and use an intensive moisturiser.
I'm not too hot on women's stuff, but a Nivea moisturising facial wash would probably be a good idea. Follow this up with bodyshop's coconut scrub, use a Simple Toner, and then moisturise with a decent moisturiser, look for something with Q10 in
Bigstan said:For someone who's "not too hot on women's stuff", you seem to be pretty clued up
Rotty said:....Lancaster and Molten Brown , no idea where you get the stuff from or how much it costs though
Siliconslave said:nore do you want to know - its really pretty damn shocking when you find out!
Haly said:Just did a google, it is a bit out of my price range
I think you're getting short changed thereRotty said:I did too , mmm she gets this stuff and buys me imperial leather shower gel and gillette deodorant , mmm
Haly said:manly men who are sensible and realise women like soft skin