Facebook Privacy

1 Aug 2003
I foolishly added a family member to Facebook and they have ruined it for me. I am currently set to be invisible so that only I can add people and no one can 'see' me. They have tagged me in endless photos but...

Is there a way I can block them as a friend but pretend that I've deleted my account? Basically, I don't want to hurt their feelings but I want my life back.
Yes you can block them if you go to settings > privacy settings and then type their name in the block person list. They then won't be able to message/see/tag do anything to you.

You know you can detag yourself from photos tho yea? And they cant retag you. I also echo the previous poster asking how they ruined your life?! Its facebook....get over it.
I know what you mean, my uncle has added me on facebook and it's just a little bit odd sometimes that he can see what I've been up to. I wouldn't go as far as saying its ruined it for me though.

Are you one of those people who use it for luring women/girls/small phillipino boys?

OMG Facebook ruined your life? If you really believe that I think you shoud turn off the computer unplug it and go outside the sun may even be shining.

It's a social networking site not real life!
ahhaha I did NOT say it ruined my life at any point, what I said is that she ruined facebook for me.

She asks questions about all my friends, she asks what I mean about status posts (including ones that I made months ago). She basically seems to find my life far more interesting than hers and she emails me, MSNs me and facebooks me with a constant barrage of questions relating to it. She is my sister and I love her but I would like her to have less information to question me on and to regain a bit of peace and privacy in my life.

So... any suggestions??

If I deny/block her - what messages will she actually receive about it?
She won't receive anything, you just won't be on her list next time she goes to look for you.

Thanks, I'll just delete her and say that I deleted the account.

Hellsmk2 said:
It's only facebook dude - be glad someone somewhere cares enough to take an interest in you.

Two things,

1. She's taking it beyond facebook and using it as a way of trying to 'invade' the rest of my life

2. There's interest and then there's obsession. The fact that she needs to go through all of my details rather than having a conversation is a little disturbing and no a little annoying. I'm her brother, not her social life.
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