That sucks, chin up though and nail it third time lucky.
They must have targets, I failed for not making progress on a1 or what ever it was before the new rules. A lorry flashed me to let me out a junction. Not only does the high way code say, he's just letting me know he's their. I also went of the roof of a car the day before, silly binturong went through a red light.
bike speedos all vary.
If your said 28mph then you would only be doing 2mph under the speed limit. that is no way a minor. His bikes speedo might be correct but he has to leave an allowance for the bikes that the testees are using.
I found out that my bike when showing 60mph is only doing about 55mph.
That was confirmed by a police officer on the bike safe course.
Sheet dude, good luck for next time and chin up.
Sounds to me like your more worried about the guy behind, I lost mine twice and all I could hear was him caning his bike to keep up as the mike kicked in at high rev. Ride as if he wasn't there.
Sorry, what I mean is maybe your taking the test too seriously, all they want to do is see you ride safe and at a basic standard, many people fall to pieces on test when normally they are fine, pretend he's not there just go for a ride and listen to any instructions in your ear.