Fallout 3 mods

I've tried BOSS...not really sure what to do beyond that.

Load order:

Project Beauty.esm
Vault 101 Revisited.esm
Apocalypse Armory.esm
Mart's Mutant Mod.esm
Republic of Dave Expansion Mod.esm
Project Beauty- Broken Steel.esp
Project Beauty- Point Lookout.esp
Sprint Mod.esp
Megaton House and Theme Overhaul.esp
Ghoul Mansion v3.1.esp
Big Town Overhaul.esp
Canterbury Commons Interiors Embiggened.esp
Apocalypse Armory.esp
Apocalypse Armory - DLC Enhancements.esp
Apocalypse Armory - Optional Historical Names.esp
Apocalypse Armory + EVE.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp
Better DC Weather Dark - 100.esp
BMDD's World Strongest Man Perk.esp
Night Vision Sunglasses.esp
Republic of Dave Expansion Mod.esp

Total active plugins: 63
Total plugins: 64
Also (sorry to spam the thread again), I have Apocalypse Armory but how does it compare to 19th and 20th Century Weapons? Which is better, and are there any others I should be aware of?
I don't really trust BOSS much. I usually find it better to use it (if you like) and then clean it up a bit.

I'm not familiar with quite a few of those mods tbh but i would definitely load all of the MMM plugins last out of those.

I would try something like

other mods
MMM plugins
EVE plugins
Fellout plugins

Also might be worth trying to arrange them in a way so that similar mods are near eachother, for example weapons/NPC's/quests/Worldspace/gameplay mods

Other than that, a merged patch and Master update can really help.

I must also say that i never got Project beauty to play nicely for me.
Also (sorry to spam the thread again), I have Apocalypse Armory but how does it compare to 19th and 20th Century Weapons? Which is better, and are there any others I should be aware of?

19th 20th century are all very good and might be much more stable as they add weapons to the game and do not alter existing ones, which means there can be no conflicts.

I also linked to Frederycks tactical weapons earlier on this page. again this adds weapons so no conflicts. You can buy these weapons whenever you want from Megaton so it might unbalance the game a bit (but you don't have to nuy them)

i feel your pain mate. I spent ages getting this game stable and felt more than once like giving up!!;)

PS i do not use Apocalypse Armoury as it conflicts with FOOK2 which also adds tons of weapons
That's the exact same place I died yesterday pighardia, the same place your standing with the rifle scope zoomed in on those mutants, they killed me with a minigun :(
Here are some useful mods which you can use tto change your progress during the game. Ther is a level cap of 30 and a skill cap of 100. To increase this, you will need to add a mod. There are many mods that do the same thing, but here is what i use-

Level cap workaround
allows you to level up after reaching level 30
This is a pretty simple mod. All it does is run a script whenever you enter a menu (like, say, the level-up menu).

The script checks your current level, and compares it to the game's normal maximum level (Vanilla/O:A/Pitt - 20, Broken Steel - 30).

If your current level exceeds the maximum level, the script kicks into gear, setting your level to the allowed maximum. It does this because exceeding the maximum level causes some issues with the game. Since the script kicks in as part of the level-up menu, you spend no actual time at the new level. The game never really thinks you're anything other than what the script claims you to be. Since you're not leveled too high, there's no problem.
Level cap skill increaser - No eps, just drop it into your data folder
This is a tweaked XML file for the level-up screen. You can now assign points past 100 and avoid using the console to exit the level-up screen.

No values past 100 are shown but the game does store the higher values. I set the level to 255. This is not meant to change the skill caps but let you use the level-up screen without needing the console when you max your skills using higher level mods.
This allows you to see your skill points above 100

These are just cosmetic though in a way. If you want skills over 100 to actually improve you then you will need to use this- Wasteland Mastery
This mod gives you benefits for having skills past 100. You can therefore now become a true "Wasteland Master", and feel very powerful at higher levels. There is finally a point to adding skill points when using the Level Cap Increaser! The new skill effects are capped out at 250 (compared to 100 in the original game). Currently the skills effected are: Small Guns, Big Guns, Energy Weapons, Explosives, Melee Weapons, Unarmed, Barter, Medicine, Repair, and Sneak.
More Hoykeys is handy if you want to use more than the standard 8 hotkeys that you can assign in vanilla

If maxing your skills isn't your thing then you can slow down your levelling and decrease you skill points with these-

Less Skill points
This mod changes the amount of skill points recieved on level up to 5 + intelligence (vanilla was 10 + intelligence).

Reduced Skill Bobblehead effects
Reduces the skill increases provided by the skill Bobbleheads to 4 (from 10)

Alternate Level Perks - A per every 2 levels
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I've managed to get rid of the crash on exit by using FOSE.

However MMM was causing a lot of instability and terrible frame-rate drops. Is that par for the course?

Not really. Some mods will cause frame-rate drops, but MMM shouldn't be one of them. MMM is actually very stable considering how big it is.

My framerate is awful atm as i have increased the view distance too much.

Check the page FOIP to see if you need a compatability patch for MMM or Project Beauty. I'm not sure as i don't use PB.

Have you got CASM running now? It really is essential, as if you get a crash the most progress that you can lose is 3 minutes if you set it to save like that, or even 1 minute if you like.:)

Also, use FO3edit to create a merged patch to try and increase stability. At the very least, FO3edit will tell you if you have any mods badly in the wrong order too
Ah that's a very good point - I used the view distance sliders in FOMM to increase everything by a factor of 10. However the frame rate drops only occurred with MMM running. I wonder if it's the combination of MMM + view dist?
There are some really great quest mods for Fallout 3. Here are 2 of the best ones imo. I have just started Project Genesis and am loving it so far.

You don't get many conflicts with these as they mainly add to the game instead of modifying existing content.

Project Genesis

WARNING!!!: If you like to play through a quest and be 100% guided the entire time, and never have to think, this is not the mod for you. This mod requires some thinking, it has a few mild 'puzzle' type things, and cannot not be done mindlessly. Play this if you want challanging story centric gameplay, a fantastic story, and some of the best cutscenes in any Fallout 3 mod.
The Story

The mod starts when you get a radio message (I know, how original. I didn't have any DLC when I made that part :P) beckoning you to a mans house. After following some clues around, you find out a scientist named Christopher O'Neil went missing just before the Great War. You following an entailing story and find out what happened to him, and more importatantly, his partner, Gerard Bishop.

How to start it.

The mod is started by listening to a radio signal. You will be in range in the mid-wasteland. (e.g. if your in megaton) The quest won't start until your a little bit into the story, so the very start is unmarked.
The Institute is a fully voiced quest mod, it is very long as well.


  • Over 300 lines of fully voiced, lip synced dialogue.
  • A cover-up to be unraveled through exploration, investigation and interrogation.
  • Many ways to meet your objectives and multiple endings.
  • Conflicting choices to be made and an experience that is unique to your character's stats, skills, style and choices.
  • Custom perks, characters, cells, weapons, armor, clothing, items, clutter, and of course: dialogue.
  • The story begins with the discovery of a dead body, dressed in an unusual radiation suit, just outside the Chryslus Building. The information you find on the corpse will lead you to one of The Institute's remote clinics (or IRCs) where you'll uncover a layered conspiracy and be faced with the decision of what to do about it.
I actually installed this mod and then completely forgot about it, and then juat randomly stumbled across it and the quests started.

I have just started playing bits of this mod- The Refuge. It is a quest mod which adds a new shop to Cantebury Commons. So far after entering and talking to a few people i have 3 new quests open in my Pipboy!

The quests have had me travelling quite a bit and they do seem to be very well varied so far:)

In the description it says that it is not compatible with CC Embiggened, but i am using both and haven't had any problems.

Description: A dangerous clan of raiders known as the Bloody Reavers is expanding west into the DC wasteland. They are highly organized and have armor that is resistant to energy weapons. The Reavers are a threat to all of the free peoples of the area and must be stopped. Fleeing before the raider onslaught comes the people of Chesapeake Beach who are seeking refuge. A mysterious wanderer from Chesapeake Beach has come to Canterbury Commons and set up a shop there. Seek him out and he will guide you to those that need your help.

Goal of this project: to provide interesting quest lines that enhance the existing lore of the Capitol Wasteland and will present a challenge to midgame and endgame characters.

I can't believe how much i have still to do in this game. I am 140 hours in and i still have 26 unfinnished quests still open in my pipboy and i have only done one of the dlc's (Anchorage). I haven't even started any of the others yet, and i still have loads of quests and quest mods still to find. Plus there are still dozens of locations i haven't explored:eek:
Is there a way to steady the scope a little more with the zoomable weapons mod?

Don't know how you mean?
It is your small guns skill that determines your accuracy with a sniper rifle. Also, the Ultimate Perk Pack has some great perks specifically for snipers.

Are you finding that the zoomable scopes mod has decreased accurcy then?
Please...if anyone can tell me how to fix the crashing...

Am using CASM so I don't use much progress, but it's crashing almost like clockwork after around 10 minutes...probably after so many new cells are loaded (always happens when entering a new cell).
I'm sorry, i don't know what to suggest other than the things i have already mentioned:

Quad-core fix
Ram boost
ffdshow fix
merghed patch and master update. (i think master update is recommended specifically for this issue)

Ther is also this-

Purge cell buffers.

I really hope you get it sorted mate. I know it can be a nightmare at times.
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Don't know how you mean?
It is your small guns skill that determines your accuracy with a sniper rifle. Also, the Ultimate Perk Pack has some great perks specifically for snipers.

Are you finding that the zoomable scopes mod has decreased accurcy then?

Maybe I just need to boost small guns up a bit.
Just find when zoomed right in the sight is swaying so much it makes it impossible to get an accurate shot.
Are you using a bullet time mod? that really helps with the sniping :D I use FWE which has that mod built in, however its available on its own and been mentioned already in the previous pages dk_bulletime

Sneak + Snipe = death.... and nobody hears them scream....or your gunshot!?... no silencer required.
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Yeah, you can use an axe, but i prefer the Perferator;)



You don't need many weapons when a BOS patrol is near:p


Here i came across a massive battle between The Enclave and a load of Radscorpions. I just hid in an abandoned diner and watched:p

Whats that building in the background of the last shot? I don't remember that from anywhere....

A mod or a cool looking place that i've managed to miss?
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