Fallout 4 possibly/hopefully

Can't say I'd be too enthusiastic about an online co-op though if at it's heart the game was still a single player experience I wouldn't be dead set against it.

The last thing I'd want is a Fallout / Borderlands style hybrid being the central focus of the game.
If it's a separate option to have someone join you but it's not forced upon the game, why not?

If it aint broke don't fix it. These games have always been great SP experiences and I'd worry that it would be balanced differently because of it. I think Co-op works for games like Borderlines with sod all real story and a pure focus on action but I think it would ruin a FO/Elder Scrolls game totally.
Hopefully won't be an issue anyway as I'd be surprised if they decided to tack it on.
One of the guys over on Hexus found the following:

I had a look at the HTML

Some interesting bits in there, including "Nuclear winter is coming. Reserve your future home today! 877-260-2299" I put that into google and people in the US have called it and said it plays a tune for Tranquility Lane in Fallout 3. I still think its a bit odd its hosted in poland though.




goto (this is the name server for the domain)



Cracked it

my dear sister. I'm heading to the institute. god knows what happened to this place now. this old ******* will help us. he must help us. --0321-

I think Hexus is the first place to find and crack this one :D

That fake site is not the first to do it there was others just like hexus members to not give credit to the person that did it first.

If one looked up on the new parts on that site and looked up about the decoding they will find many people did it the first few min of the site being updated.

LOL,at your rant. I only posted that because I had not seen it before.

BTW,Hexus a fake site and so are their members,oh really??

Hilariously funny is your Hexus hate. Its very tribalistic IMHO.

BTW,you might want to not post on here either. The people behind OcUK forums get on well with Hexus now:


OcUK's Gibbo even has an account over there,and so you might find OcUK members are on there too,as it is as old an enthusiast site as OcUK.

A number even from here signed up for the competitions they do too.

So you just insulted OcUK forum members too. Good one.
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Great news! Something to look forward to!
I did enjoy the gameplay of F3 better due to NV being very buggy and sometimes unplayable. Plus it always annoyed me that I HAD to destroy the power armor wearing paladin faction to progress. Thus still not finished the game. There was a choice to avoid having to nuke them but I always chose to support the wrong guy :-D
I do have some hope they move past the engine used in Skyrim though. It would be nice to have a Fallout world with some features like tessellation,better lighting,etc,and improved multicore support. Skyrim Online seems to be moving this way, although I do get the impression perhaps Fallout 4 will use a modified Skyrim engine of some sort and will still be DX9. Hopefully I am wrong!


It seems it was mentioned a week ago or so:


It seems that a derivative of the id Tech engine might be used.

Great news! Something to look forward to!
I did enjoy the gameplay of F3 better due to NV being very buggy and sometimes unplayable. Plus it always annoyed me that I HAD to destroy the power armor wearing paladin faction to progress. Thus still not finished the game. There was a choice to avoid having to nuke them but I always chose to support the wrong guy :-D

Yeah,NV had some difficult choices to make.
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The morse is
cq cq cq de oz pse as

Three cq's is normal for a general broadcast to all and de means from.

so from oz please assist
From Reddit:

First off let me say that I enjoy ARGs. I'd love for this to be real. But it isn't. You may want to believe it is real because of confirmation bias. If you're already looking for evidence that Fallout 4 is coming, that is what you are going to see. It is reaffirming to believe that you have secret, insider information through this site. It makes you feel good to believe in this. But that doesn't make it true.
The domain is registered through GoDaddy, which ZeniMax has never once used.
WHOIS info can be faked by anyone. It simply isn't proof.
The hosting company is in Poland. All of ZeniMax's sites are hosted in the US.
The initial morse code had the date in a European format. Bethesda and Zenimax have always used US dates.
The site was posted to Reddit before anywhere else, not the Fallout fansites that Bethesda supports.
The moment that Reddit pointed out how the date format was wrong, the page was updated with a comment that the date format was European. Then later, the morse code audio was replaced with one with the American date. Are you going to tell me that ZeniMax as a global publisher doesn't understand how dates work?
This is the most amateur hour ARG I've ever seen in my life. And I love finding ARGs and participating in them, so I've seen quite a few. Finding black text on a black background isn't master sleuthing.
The coding style of the pages doesn't match the coding style of any Bethesda/ZeniMax site. Bethesda uses compressed HTML with no spaces.
All Bethesda/ZeniMax websites seem to be coded by the same team. They have a consistent naming scheme for their files and directory structure.
Every single Bethesda/ZeniMax site has Mozilla specific CSS. This site doesn't.
And they run the same javascript on every one of their sites.
var safesites = ["arkane-studios.com","bethblog.com","bethsoft.com","brinkthegame.com","dishonored.com","elderscrolls.com","elderscrollsonline.com","huntedthegame.com","idsoftware.com","mudduckgames.com","quakecon.org","rage.com","roguewarrior.com","vir2l.com","wolfenstein.com","zenimax.com","zenimaxonline.com","creationkit.com","http:\/\/bethsoft.com\/en-us","bsw_cms_asset"];
They did this same thing for Vegas and said it was a hoax yet Vegas came a few months after.

They might just be trying to see how much people really want a new fallout game.
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