For the beta you only get 4 hours so yes its correct timing wise 12-4am. You are only allowed (unless the servers go down that is!) 1 x 4 hour beta test slot then they kill the server your on & that is it until release unless they do another beta! Bethesda released a semi grovelling note earlier sounds like they are very unsure what to expect & admit that. Makes me wonder why bother then why not just stick to a traditional Fallout SP only I guess the $750m day 1 sales on Fallout 4 was not enough money for Zenimax either
Anyone play the beta earlier this morning?
I tried it ran for a bit then disconnected twice, froze once so I gave up...... lol..
- October 27, 2018 – 5 PM ET to 7 PM ET (2 PM PT to 4 PM PT / 10PM to 12AM UK)
What's meh about it?Next date and time for the BETA tbh I doubt I’m going to bother. The little I played I found it crap and waiting days for a few hours play of a crap game I have better games to play.....
What's meh about it?
VATS is awful and tbh pointless. The world seems empty and without NPC interactions it lacks any kind of connection other than reading everything. It runs like complete turd even on X lots of frame skips and stutter.
It’s basically Fallout 4 light with crap VATS no missions as such but added godrays and lighting effects that really add nothing but tank performance. It feels like a poorly implemented mod for Fallout 4 which tbh is exactly what it is.
I’m a huge Fallout fan with hundreds of hours invested and the net has this summed up perfectly tbh...
“it’s the game that nobody wanted”
How’s that....