Fancy Dress

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goldilocks said:
why post this?
no offence - but it didnt give me an erection thinking about you as a chav ****

why not go the whole hog and go in nothing?
if you want people to look - that'll do the trick i guess
unless you're fugly
if that sounds nasty - im sorry
i just get embarrassed for the girls who go out in next to nothing
have a bit of self respect in the way you dress maybe?
You're a girl, how would you get an erection?

She's going to a fancy dress, why even post if you know it's nasty? There's no need for that kind of stuff around here.
Rich1988 said:
not trying to hijack the therad but I too have a fancy dress party coming up, planning to go as an Emo :p any ideas on costume?

What a "mosher" would wear only make it more depressing.

Hair that covers your eyes and scars on your wrists...
Rich1988 said:
not trying to hijack the therad but I too have a fancy dress party coming up, planning to go as an Emo :p any ideas on costume?

Long black coat, black hoodies and all that stuff. Also put about a tonne of gel in your hair to make it look all greasy lol :p
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